________________________________________________________________________ The District’s Secret Stash Does the Great Falls Public School District have a plan to grow the local economy and thereby grow the tax base to increase funding for the school district, and perhaps increase student population. How does the district’s do that? New school board trustee, and Great Falls Development Authority employee,…
Questions For Local Candidates
________________________________________________________________________ As part of E-City Beat’s continuing effort to help our readers make informed decisions as voters we have sent questionnaires to all local candidates and will publish their responses starting the week after Labor Day. Here’s the list of local state legislative candidates on the ballot this November and the four questions we…
Tammy Lacey’s Retirement: Good News Or Bad News?
________________________________________________________________________ Now that Great Falls Public Schools Superintendent Tammy Lacey has announced her retirement at the end of this school year we’d like to make a couple of observations and ask a couple of questions. The success of our local public school system should be judged by the quality of educational outcomes for students,…
Who Is Pulling The Strings In Our School District?
________________________________________________________________________ Do we really need a school board at all? This Spring after the voters of Great Fall defeated the Great Falls Public Schools request for an operational levy totaling $1.4 million, our Superintendent of Schools, Tammy Lacey reacted by publicly stating: “Congratulations to Bozeman, Helena, Kalispell, and Missoula school districts for passing their…
Opinion: CSKT Water Compact
________________________________________________________________________ Editors note: E-City Beat does not take a position on the CSKT Water Compact. We are posting this editorial in our ongoing mission to help our readers stay informed on state and local issues. We welcome any editorial submissions presenting the opposing side of this editorial. Legislative Committee Urges Federal Approval of CSKT…
Sneaky Trick
________________________________________________________________________ Who’s Hiding the Administrator Raises? At the August 6, 2018 Great Falls Public School District’s school board meeting, the trustees decided to delay a scheduled vote on a listed action item which would give school administrators a blanket 2% raise. After receiving citizen push back, the meeting turned contentious with administrators and board…
Who Is Jasmine Cassandra And Why Is She Trolling Rick Tryon?
________________________________________________________________________ Okay, so I was intrigued when I was informed by a friend this morning that someone was bashing poor old Ricky Tryon on the E-City Beat Facebook page. When I went and took a look and saw it was someone called Jasmine Cassandra my first impression was, “Who?”. But then I remembered that…
Local 4-H Enrollment Opens Online September 15
________________________________________________________________________ E-City Beat is pleased to share the following as a public service to local readers. PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jerrica Seilstad August 9, 2018 MSU Extension Agent, Cascade County 406-454-6980 Jerrica.seilstad@montana.edu CASCADE COUNTY 4-H ENROLLMENT OPENS ONLINE SEPTEMBER 15, 2018 www.mt.4honline.com Cascade County, MT—Enrollment for the 2018-2019 4-H year opens online…
Try Taking A Dog’s Dinner
________________________________________________________________________ Today’s education industrial complex charged with educating our children is big business, costing an estimated $620 Billion a year. The Great Falls Public Schools District, with an annual budget of $91 million, is part of that bigger complex. The taxpayers of Great Falls have supported our school system since 1886, and continue to…
Actions Scream. Words Whisper. Intentions Are Mute.
________________________________________________________________________ In a recent article posted in The Electric there’s a quote from Great Falls Mayor Bob Kelly that I found to be interesting…and very revealing. ‘Kelly said some people think the city discourages development. “When people say we don’t encourage, of course we do, of course we want development,” Kelly said. “We don’t…