________________________________________________________________________ Yesterday a couple of sentences from an article by Phil Faccenda in E-City Beat caught my eye (“City Of Great Falls Caves To School District”): “One has to understand the ‘special’ relationship between the City Commission and the Great Falls Public School District. In many respects, I think the school district has more…
City Of Great Falls Caves To School District
________________________________________________________________________ More trees to be destroyed at Great Falls High Just when you thought the City of Great Falls was prepared to do the right thing and tell the school district that no more City trees would be sacrificed for the misguided alterations at Great Falls High, the City lifted the Stop Order…
Sidewalk Excuses
________________________________________________________________________ Lacey says sidewalks are too expensive. During Monday’s public hearing by the City’s Board of Zoning Adjustments, Great Falls Public Schools Superintendent Tammy Lacey explained that the school district would like to eliminate the required sidewalk along 14th Street Northwest at CMR High School because she would “rather spend bond money on educational…
The Danger Of Calling Fellow Great Fallsians Nazis
A Facebook friend of mine recently sent me this screenshot of a comment thread he was involved in just a couple of days ago. The Trump hater in this thread is also a Great Falls resident. The last comment in the thread is particularly troubling. It appears it’s now just commonplace to label our fellow…
Dog And Pony Show
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of all Ages, welcome to the greatest show on earth! So bring on the haute ecole horses and on with the show! Monday the Great Falls Board of Zoning Adjustments held a public hearing to listen to the Great Falls Public School District explain their request to exempt…
Grumbling, Wallowing And Betraying
I am very optimistic about the future of Great Falls, in part because so many citizens are starting to pay more attention to local public affairs and officials. Recently someone sent me the minutes from a May 25, 2010 Great Falls Public Schools Facilities Task Force Focus Group meeting at which then and current Great…
Prairie Childhood – A Memoir By Anna M. Nickol, Chapter Two
Read Chapter 1 here There came days when Mother walked the floor, wringing her hands, while our father tried reasoning with her, and reassuring her. It was no use. Our young uncle was away working and no word had come from him for months. He was rumored to be hauling dynamite for construction work at…
Monkey Business
Is The School District Monkeying Around With Zoning? On Monday, June 18, 2018, the Great Falls Board of Adjustment/Appeals will hold a Special meeting at the Civic Center Commission chambers at 3:00 PM. The purpose of a public hearing is to consider a request from the Great Falls Public School District to exempt them from…
Great Falls Public Schools Deforestation Plan For Great Falls High School
GFPS Superintendent Tammy Lacey and her band of merry fools are at it again. The photo shows the dead corpses of more than twenty 70 to 80 year old trees at the historic Great Falls High School Campus. According to Lacey, 73 mature trees, 50 more, will be cut down for fire wood. That should…
Prairie Childhood, A Memoir By Anna M. Nickol – Chapter One
Editors note: We hope you enjoy this story by Anna M. Nickol (1909-2005) about her family’s homestead in Toole County, MT. E-City Beat will publish the story a chapter at a time as they become available from Anna’s nephew Greg Nickol as he transcribes from the original book publication. Prairie Childhood, a Memoir by Anna M. Nickol…