Back in the day, oh, forty or fifty years ago, there was an ongoing friendly competition between Great Falls and Billings as to which was the best and biggest city. The two Montana big dogs battling for bragging rights. I remember because I was a young sprout at the time, delivering the Great Falls Leader,…
Poll: Slaughter City?
At this point, most everyone knows: Canadian company Friesen Foods wants to bring the largest meat processing plant to Montana — just outside of Great Falls. Are you in favor of this project or not? Better yet, tell us why in the comments! [poll id=”7″]
Developer: Why Is Great Falls Tax Money Leaving Great Falls?
I’m a long-time resident of Great Falls and a developer. Like a lot of folks, I’ve invested a lot of time and money into seeing our community thrive — in particular, downtown Great Falls. As a commercial developer, I pay my share of taxes, and so I tend to pay attention to where our money…
Shots Fired In City Parks Gun Debate
The national gun debate has nothing on what is poised to be a hotly contested local Second Amendment battle. Yes, concealed weapon permit holders are currently allowed to carry their weapons in city parks, including the River’s Edge Trail, according to our City Attorney Sara Sexe. Sexe reported at the November 17 city commission meeting…
We’re Back
After several months of inactivity, E-City Beat is back! We have spent our hiatus adding contributors and developing an improved reader-centric site and we think we have succeeded. Our core values remain the same: to examine and to comment on important and timely issues that matter to residents of Great Falls, our Central Montana region…
Fox News Report: Gianforte Also Punched Guardian Reporter
Holy sh*t. What else can really be said about the stunning news of Republican Congressional candidate Greg Gianforte allegedly body-slamming a reporter, the Guardian’s Ben Jacobs, today in Bozeman? The audio, which you can listen to here, doesn’t sound good for Gianforte. After an hour or so, Gianforte’s press secretary, Shane Scanlon, offered the following statement: “Tonight, as…
Fake News – Great Falls Tribune
From a front-page, AP story in the Tribune this morning on Trump’s budget: “The Trump administration’s budget plan for 2018 assumes that a mix of sharp spending and tax cuts can both shrink the deficit and fuel economic growth of 3 percent a year — a level it hasn’t achieved in more than a dozen…
CDBG Records
In an earlier piece, we pointed out that City Commissioner, Tracy Houck, complained about an alleged conflict of interest by a member of the Community Development Council, which allocates CDBG funds among various local government entities, charities, and other groups. Houck had gotten wind of the fact that a particular individual had down voted the…
Comment Of The Day
The Tribune finally caught up to the Tracy Houck, CDBG funding story, but the reporter didn’t have nuthin’ on this commenter: Robert Tyler Great Falls, Montana How can Houck claim to be personally handling this issue because of concern about the privacy protections of a male employee while in tandem exposing the sexual harassment complaint…
Former Mayor Michael Winters Goes On The Record
On Tuesday, May 16, Gregg Smith wrote a post about the City’s CDBG allocation process, our fifth and most recent article on the topic. Since the publication of our first CDBG content on April 27, this blog has received nearly 8,000 page views. Suffice it to say, then, that this has swelled into an issue of significant community interest. Things…