We received the following message from Aaron Weissman this morning, and are happy to help spread the word. Please take a minute and let the School District know which academic calendar you like best, or, dislike the least:
“The school district calendar committee (aka, the “make everyone unhappy” committee) is working on the 2018-2019 calendar and have narrowed choices down to three options. One has a long winter break, one has a long Spring break and one has a long Summer break. The three options can be found here: http://bit.ly/2018-2019options
Can you please publish this and the community survey location? We would like to try and accommodate as many opinions as possible for the 2018-2019 calendar. The deadline for responses is February 29.”
Take the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/1819-calendar-options
Option 1V
I like a spring brake for the kids and also the teachers.
You can shorten the April brake by 2 days and end the year 2 days earlier.
Option 1V
I like a spring brake for the kids and also the teachers.
You can shorten the April brake by 2 days and end the year 2 days earlier.
It would be helpful if I knew what a “PIR day” meant
PIR = Pupil Instruction Related. A day that the teachers work but students are not at school. It is required to have seven of these on the calendar each year. They do not count toward the 180 day student requirement.
We’re getting ‘Levied to Death and here a ‘Tif, there TIF, everywhere a TIF, TIF…ALSO, School Board approved YET another LEVY for May, so folks run for SCHOOL Board please, I can’t and I don’t care about political affiliation whether someone’s left, right or center, we NEED more debate, due diligence, no more RUBBER stamping ‘The Hill’s’ Wish list, question more, DEMAND answers! Finally, the City and County have FAILED to provide timely news releases about critical meetings like those held at the library last thursday and this ‘DARK’ meeting by our Commissioners that only got posted on the county website but NOBODY sent the NEWS to the media, FAILURE! Same for the ‘DARK’ city/county/legislative meeting held at the Gibson Room last thursday! (this is my FB post on the Great Falls Tribune website regarding the ‘Dark Decision’ to put GFDA levy with special election on Zinke’s replacement and it VIOLATES state law already and I guess the commission wants ‘Ex Post Facto’ law, changing the law ‘after the fact’ in essence.