Rep. Jeremy Trebas’ bill to ban municipal cell phone bans died in its second reading Tuesday night by a 63-37 vote.
Whether or not one agrees with the practice of singling out gabby drivers (versus, say, hungry drivers who snack behind the wheel, or any other type of distracted drivers), we argued that because virtually every other driving-related offense is codified by the state of Montana — and not by cities — the issue of cell phone use should fall under the state’s purview, as well.
This question framed the discussion in the House:
Trebas bill on cellphones became quasi debate on city rights vs. state rights.
— Phil Drake (@IR_PhilDrake) January 24, 2017
Notably, every House Democrat, save for Box Elder’s Jonathan Windy Boy, voted against the bill.
Who knew Democrats were such staunch advocates of local control?
Fine – then get off butts and enforce it Great Falls! If it is such a blight as opposed to say car break ins (epidemic), burglary (epidemic), robbery (epidemic), child abuse (epidemic), DUIs (epidemic). People realize they have a better chance of catching criminals by utilizing than facebook than the police.
Whether or not one agrees with the practice of singling out gabby drivers (versus, say, hungry drivers who snack behind the wheel, or any other type of distracted drivers), we argued that because virtually every other driving-related offense is codified by the state of Montana — and not by cities — the issue of cell phone use should fall under the state’s purview, as well.
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