Whenever I get questions or concerns from folks in our community, if I don’t know the answer, I ask City staff to respond to the concern or question and then I pass it along to the person who asks. I’ve done this a lot over the several years I’ve served as your city commissioner, and…
More Great Falls Graffiti, MT Legislature At Halfway Point, And More
An increase in the defacement of property and graffiti in Great Falls, from KRTV:“The City of Great Falls is cracking down on graffiti within the city after recently seeing a rise in defacement of property, and is asking the public to help report graffitied areas.“ The Montana state legislature has reached the transmittal break, from…
SB 266 Not Good For Great Falls
SB 266 has not yet been passed into law, but if it were to be passed this legislative session, here is a predictive scenario. Having a morning coffee with your neighbor, Fred, one day next year: Fred: I heard some out-of-state company bought some lots on our block and plan to put up a few…
A Porn Shop Next To An Elementary School?
Editors note – photo via Alan Mas, pexels.com ______________________________________________________________________ Protecting private property rights is a foundational American value. But when someone chooses to live in a community rather than on a patch of isolated ground away from them thar city folks then there is a mutually accepted set of standards that allows for some minimal…
The Importance of Local Control in Government
Local control isn’t just a nice idea—it’s a fundamental American value. It’s in the U.S. and Montana Constitutions. It’s in both the Republican and Democratic party platforms. And if campaign promises were legally binding, most of our legislators would be legally required to defend it. Yet, here we are. Some of those same folks who…
‘Hell No’ To Senator Trebas’ SB266
Hey, Great Falls, do you want Big Brother Helena to control how citizens in Great Falls choose to budget, zone our community, and manage our resources? I say, “Hell no!” And why does Great Falls Senator Jeremy Trebas think that his SB266 is a good idea for our community? Here’s what SB266 will do in…
The Magic And Wonder Of Presidents Day
This is a special time of year for me and my family. Presidents Day holds so much meaning and so many great memories for me even now as an adult. Every year when I was a kid, my brothers and I, with barely contained excitement and anticipation, would count down the days until that third…
Transgender Bathroom Bill, Break-in/Fire In Ulm, And More
Montana House and Senate pass Bill 121, requiring people to use multi-occupancy accommodations, like bathrooms, based on their chromosomal make-up and reproductive biology, regardless of gender identity, from MTPR:https://www.mtpr.org/montana-news/2025-02-11/gop-bathroom-regulations-await-governors-signature Suspect arrested for break-in and starting fire at Mountain View Co-Op gas station and convenience store in Ulm, from KRTV:https://www.krtv.com/news/crime-and-courts/suspect-charged-for-break-in-and-fire-at-ulm-store Great Falls Animal Shelter temporarily relocated…
Oppose HB20
Editors note: the following is a letter from Great Falls City Commissioner Joe McKenney to the Great Falls Association of Realtors and Montana Association of Realtors. Overview The purpose of this memorandum is to express strong opposition to HB20 from a public safety perspective. This bill proposes changing voted levies from being stated in mills…
‘Montana Resistance’ Inciting Violence Online?
Editors note: Some of the following images and language is disturbing and inappropriate for children. There’s a FB page called ‘The Montana Resistance’ which, in my opinion, is inciting violence and hate against folks in our community. Here’s a few examples of memes posted on their page: A bayonet for wearing a MAGA hat? Please…