With the coming of the new year comes another attempt by the Great Falls Public School District to raise your taxes. “What?”, you say, “We’ve just given them $98 million dollars and now they want more, $1.3 million more. For what?” Well of course, the school district will tell you it’s for the kids, but…
Author: Philip M. Faccenda
Some Cartoon Comic Relief – Tryon & Houck
_______________________________________________________________________ This cartoon was forwarded to E-City Beat anonymously. The obscenity notwithstanding, I think it’s quite funny and decided to publish it. Consider it an introduction to a new regular feature we are launching – Comedy & Satire On E-City Beat. If you are a budding cartoonist or satirist, send us your…
Who’s Making ‘Stuff’ Up, E-City Beat Or Tracy Houck?
In an October 20, 2019 comment section posted on a public Facebook page, Great Falls city commissioner Tracy Houck accused E-City Beat of publishing untrue “stuff” about her involvement in the City’s recent Community Development Block Grant, CDBG, funding debacle. “I read the stuff a local blog writes about me and it’s not true.” Though…
Pollington Responds To Potential Conflict Of Interest Regarding Maclean Animal Center
_______________________________________________________________________ One of the three questions E-City Beat recently sent to all of the Great Falls city commission candidates is the following: Do you or any of your immediate family members, business partners, employer, or employees hold any positions, professional or volunteer, recent past or present, that would constitute a conflict of interest, or appearance…
Taxpayer Sensitivity Training For GFPS Teachers?
_______________________________________________________________________ Yesterday a concerned reader sent E-City Beat some screenshots of an exchange on Facebook involving a teacher in the Great Falls Public Schools District who uses the FB handle of Tricia Henneberg which clearly says she is an employee of GFPS. Henneberg is Tricia Loucks, listed in the District directory as a Special Ed…
Kudos To GF Mayor Kelly, Still Waiting On Commissioner Houck
_______________________________________________________________________ Summertime and the living’s easy…or busy. Either way, I want to thank Mayor Bob Kelly for responding to my second request regarding his plans to either endorse or not endorse incumbent city commissioner Tracy Houck for another term. After finally getting to my email (Glacier Park was beckoning me for some work and a…
Why Won’t Bob Kelly Answer A Question From A Tax Paying Citizen?
Last month, before the filing deadline for this year’s City election had elapsed, I asked Great Falls Mayor Bob Kelly if he intended to endorse embattled City Commissioner Tracy Houck in her campaign for re-election. Kelly declined to do so. Since it was possible at the time that the mayor wanted to see a complete…
Great Falls Mayor Bob Kelly Declines To Endorse Tracy Houck
Recently, I asked Great Falls Mayor Bob Kelly if he intended to endorse Tracy Houck in the 2019 City election, just as he did in 2015. Yesterday, I emailed him this: On Jun 4, 2019, at 4:23 PM, Phil Faccenda <philipfaccenda@gmail.com> wrote: Dear Mayor Kelly, In an E-City Beat post on May 24th I asked…
Will Bob Kelly Endorse Tracy Houck In 2019?
Dear Mayor Kelly: In the 2015 City election, you offered your full-throated endorsement for then candidate Tracy Houck to the Great Falls City Commission….. (You wrote this on your campaign Facebook page on October 13, 2015.) In the same election, Houck was found guilty by the Montana Commissioner of Political Practices, Jonathan Motl (a Bullock…
Say Cheese
_______________________________________________________________________ Montana Mac and Cheese, it has a pleasant ring to it. You can almost hear the Trapp family singing, “The Hills are alive with the Sound of Music”. The number 1 item on the Great Falls Development Authorities Top Ten for the first week of May was the proposed cheese plant to be located…