Lola Galloway is the GOP candidate running for the Montana State Legislature in Great Falls/Cascade County HD22. Her opponents are Democrat Nick Henry and Libertarian Tony Rosales, here is her profile:

Age 62, wife for 41 years, mother of six,
grandmother of 15, lifetime citizen of Cascade County, 4th generation Montanan,
PROUD to live in the greatest country on Earth, the USA.
Profession: entrepreneur/bookkeeper
Co-Owner of small businesses:
NSDQ, FFDQ, Great Falls Lumber/Do-it-Best Hardware and commercial/apartment landlord( received the Most improved apartment in Great Falls award in 2009-2010)
Community volunteer:
Great Falls 4th of July Parade committee since 2006
(co-chair 2016 to present)
Constitution Day Rally chair,
Citizens for Sun Prairie Park Improvements-treasurer, Sun Prairie Clean-up day committee, Family Promise, participate in neighborhood council #2, attend local water/sewer district meetings, church organist/pianist,
Support: Toby’s House, Rescue Mission, Lion’s Club, Walleyes Unlimited, NRA, MSSA, Echoz, 40 Days for Life, Save the Cowboy
Political history:
Republican state party Vice-chair since 2019, HD22 representative since 2017,
HD22-B precinct committee person since 2012, member of : pachyderm since 2010 receiving its highest award, the golden tusk in 2020, MTGOP Executive board, Republican National Convention Delegate 2020, MTFRW, CCRCC and CCRPAC.
2023 priority goals:
#1 represent the citizens HD22 needs:
- Strengthen state’s rights against the federal government overreach. As I study the USA and Montana Constitutions I’m finding ways to give the state back its original intended power over federal government. This will make our state sovereign,unique and sustain our Montana values.
- Lowering future taxes and returning tax surplus back to the citizens who pay taxes to the Montana Department of Revenue. Taxes are the citizens’ money being paid to government only because its concept is “we need government services and involvement”. When those requirements are met and there’s a surplus, like right now $1.8 billion, that money needs to be returned to the tax payers and tax percentages need to be reevaluated. Not creating new programs that’ll NEVER go away. With more money in YOUR pockets, you have the ability to live a life of freedom and independence, getting government OUT of your life instead of more entrenched.
Session committees:
2017 Judiciary, Education, Ag
Law and Justice Interim
2019 Tax, Health and Human Services
Local Government Interim
2021 Tax, Health and Human Services (vice-chair)
State Tribal Relations Interim
I’ve attended over 23 tours and trainings. To name a few: energy resources, child protective services, tribal issues, Women’s health, county jails & state prison system, taxes and international trade.
I work hard, return phone calls (usually by text messages) and attend any meeting or training that will enhance my ability to better represent the citizens of HD22 and Montana statewide.
I have had the privilege and honor to be on, and I am a better person today because of this journey. Thank you for your continued support. As your representative this upcoming 68th session in Helena, I’ll continue to listen, learn and lead us to a brighter future in Great Falls, Cascade County and Montana. I ask for your vote November 8th.
Please contact me at (406)750-4721