MT HD 21 GOP Primary: Buttrey And Tucker

E-City Beat emailed local Montana legislative candidates who are in primaries requesting responses to three questions, which you’ll see below. Ballots for the primary are due June 2nd.

Today we are publishing responses from GOP candidates for HD 21, Ed Buttrey and Sally Tucker.

Ed Buttrey

Why are you running for the office?​

I first ran for office because of my love for Montana, but also to ensure that our State remained the best place for my children to live, work and prosper.  I believe that through hard work, dedication and passion, our Legislature can make Montana even better.  With effective leadership, we can weather any storm, pandemic, recession, or whatever stands in our way.  I simply want to be part of the solution.

Why are you running as a Republican?​ 

I am a lifelong Republican that believes that Government should exist to support our citizens, to support but not compete with our private sector businesses, and to help those that are truly in need.  Government should be efficient, should be affordable and should never forget who it represents.   With good conservative leadership, we can ensure that government is effective, responsible, and responsive to our citizens.

What makes you the best candidate in the race?​

I have been blessed to represent the great people of House District 21 as Senator and more recently as their Representative.  I truly believe that no one individual has all the answers, but that through hard work, and listening to others we can bring solutions forward for the benefit of all Montanans.  I am willing to hear all viewpoints, to listen to those affected by legislation, and to fight hard to get good policy across the finish line.  This is what I believe makes me the best candidate to represent our district.  I am proud to work for the people of HD21 and hope that I will have the opportunity to continue to represent them for another term in Helena. 


Sally Tucker

I am Sally Tucker. With a passion for Truth, justice and the US Constitution, I seek to represent HD21 (roughly Black Eagle and eastern side of Riverview), intent on being a voice for hard-working people and businesses which employ them. Citizens have a right to accountable, responsive government, to secure our God-given rights and allow us to prosper in peace.

A Montana native and GFHS graduate,I ran for GF City Commission in 2003; served as Cascade County Republican Central Committee (CCRCC) Chair; and am currently HD21 Precinct Committeewoman.

Primaries are often dismissed as unimportant, however, this June 2 Republican Primary is critical. It’s our chance to reclaim our Party principles from those who only pay lip service to our  Constitution and Platform of life, low taxes, and limited government.

Our current Representative has supported gas and property tax hikes (while working to pass tax breaks for himself); brokered the disastrous CSKT Water Compact in backroom deals; and brokered permanent Medicaid Expansion in 2019 (in clear defiance of voters’ wishes) – and which a federal Medicaid audit has found rife with fraud, leaving Montana taxpayers on the hook for millions in federal reimbursements for ineligible recipients.

Our State was on track to slow-motion train-wreck, when Governor Bullock helpfully crashed the economic engine and stood by as cars derailed.

 In these trying times, with government violations of our rights rampant, the need for citizen-engaged, accountable government is critical.  The US Constitution is more relevant than ever, and must be diligently protected . Our Bill of Rights is not negotiable; it cannot  be legislated away or traded for illusions of safety.

I treasure Montana hearts. As a Constitutional conservative, I will fight to preserve life and family rights; work for tax and regulation rollbacks; scrutinize broken agencies to restore justice under Constitutional Law. I will work to limit the scope of government in our lives and pass on cost savings to taxpayers.

Sensible citizens understand our State budget cannot balance without thriving, diverse economies. I will fight to reopen our Treasure State to wise use of our abundant resources; tapping our traditional sources of prosperity  – water, timber, agriculture, oil, gas and minerals – is essential.  A thriving resource industry is not only key to healthy communities and balanced budgets, at every level, but also to protecting and managing healthy public lands and abundant wildlife.

As a USAF recruit, I swore an oath to uphold and defend our US Constitution. That oath has no expiration date. I take that oath seriously; it is not compatible with leftist/socialist policies. That oath is to the US Constitution of We the People, not to any government entity.

As a disabled veteran with uncompromising principles, I seek to serve and represent the People of HD21 with honesty and integrity, so their concerns, win-win solutions, and visions can be heard in our Legislature.

Ultimately, our Constitution is the solution to the challenges facing our State. I will zealously protect and defend it, for our greatest resource of all: the People.

MT HD 26 GOP Primary: Trebas, Buck, Tankink

E-City Beat emailed local Montana legislative candidates who are in primaries requesting responses to three questions, which you’ll see below. Ballots for the June primary are currently arriving in mailboxes.

Today we are publishing responses from GOP candidates for HD 26, Jeremy Trebas, Sheridan Buck, and Rudy Tankink. Stay tuned for more candidate responses next week.

Jeremy Trebas

Why are you running for the office?​

I see some things that need to change and I feel like the most effective way I can do that right now is through Legislative action as a Representative. I’m sticking to a few main planks or topics to focus on as far as what I’ll bring forward if elected. Those planks are criminal justice reform, decreasing what I’d call a “catch-and-release” system, standing against any new sales tax proposals in the State, promoting natural resource development as a way to grow our economy, jobs, and fund schools. The commodities market is down right now, but I don’t think it always will be and hopefully we can go back to some mode of normal soon. Lastly, I would like to be a voice in the Legislature for keeping laws and taxes fair and simple to understand.

Why are you running as a Republican?​

I’m running as a Republican because it is the party for which I agree with the platform the most. The State GOP platform is the document that outlines the beliefs and aspirations of a wide swath of the party and is updated every two years at the party convention in June (of even years). Some key beliefs I align with the most are being pro-life, broad based and low rate tax systems, and more of a focus on individualism and self-reliance versus cradle-to-grave programs from the government. I think the GOP in aspiration is more cognizant in its approach to promoting freedom and liberty of the individual and its recognition of the potential abuses of government when it gets away from the Constitution of the United State and of the State of Montana. We have a republic for a reason and the GOP sticks closer to that ideal than the other parties, generally.

What makes you the best candidate in the race?​

I feel like I will be the most effective advocate to influence other Legislators to vote for those planks I’ve outlined above. If I have accurately sensed the broad needs of the area I’m hoping to represent, I expect that I’ll be sent to the Capital to do so. I’ve been in the Legislature before and have stood up in front of committees and the House floor to attempt to pass legislation. I have many relationships with Legislators across the state already and they know they can trust me, even if we disagree on some things. Lastly, and most importantly, I’m not afraid to fight for what is what I think is right on principle and won’t be cajoled into doing anything I think would be wrong for the people I’ll represent.

Sheridan Buck

Why are you running for the office?​

I am running for office as a Republican because I believe that Montana’s values are best reflected by the platform of the Republican Party.  I am a committed Christian, and I enjoy working with youth and seniors, both in and out of church.  I am invested in our community.  I am a founding member of the Steering Committee that built a much-needed neighborhood Fire Station.  That project was funded entirely by donations- not a single tax dollar!   It is debt free, and it was built entirely by Great Falls Labor.  I have been involved with Scouting for decades; our sons both earned the rank of Eagle Scout.  I supported the Montana ANG as the Squadron’s Family Readiness Program Coordinator.  I have helped to grill and serve over 1,200 no-cost steaks to Malmstrom’s Airmen.

I am a proud First-Generation Montanan- just like two-thirds of Montana’s governors have been!  For three decades I was proud to be a military wife.  My husband of 35 years is Great Falls’ own Lieutenant Colonel Mike Buck, an Iraq War combat veteran F-16 and F-15 fighter pilot and the retired Commander of the 186th Fighter Squadron, Montana Air National Guard, right here in Great Falls!  He and I met when I was finishing college, and today he is my campaign manager!  All three of our children attended public school in Great Falls.  I am proud to say that all three of them are now U.S. Military officers!  Our oldest son, Michael, is a decorated Lieutenant with the U.S. Army, serving as an Intelligence officer.  Our son Woody is a graduate of the United States Merchant Marine Academy and a U.S. Naval officer.  Our daughter Caroline has followed in her dad’s footsteps- she is a proud U.S. Naval Aviator, currently flying the P-8 Poseidon aircraft.

What makes Sheridan Buck the best candidate for HD26? 

Among other things, my 30-plus years of military life means that I understand the needs of both our Air Guard members and our Malmstrom Airmen.  Our non-military citizens are equally important to me, and I want to protect their rights going forward!  I am a Life Member of the National Rifle Association, and a Director with the Montana Shooting Sports Association.  Since 2014 I have been endorsed by the NRA, the MSSA, and the Montana Family Foundation.  I stand for good-paying jobs, great infrastructure, and outstanding public education!

I have ample experience in politics; I served as the Chairwoman of the Cascade County Republican Central Committee, a Congressional Committeewoman, and was twice elected as a Precinct Captain.  I served two terms as an Election Judge and Poll Watcher, and have worked on over half a dozen successful campaigns.

Many people are tired of the same old story in Helena: too many legislators promise to uphold the will of their constituents, but once they arrive in Helena, they simply pursue their own agendas.  I promise to represent all the citizens of House District 26 as your Fresh, Clear Voice of Common Sense in Helena!

Rudy Tankink

I support the United States Constitution and the Republican Platform.  I believe citizen oversight is critical and we have an obligation to ensure that legislative bills are constitutional and are in the best interests of Montanans. The last straw was when I noticed that once some of the career politicians (aka Responsible Republicans) forgot who actually elected them. They worked to undermine the Republican Party by voting with Democrats the majority of the time. It boggles my mind to understand why they just don’t run as Democrats. When they vote as Democrats, there are a whole lot of us not being represented in Cascade County. We’ve just been lied to and fooled into thinking that because they have an “R” behind their name they are Republicans. Consequently, I’m throwing my hat in the ring to run for HD26 and try to turn that wrong into a right.

I bring a long list of accomplishments which enable me to be the best person to represent those living in HD26. I serve as Precinct Captain and former State Committeeman for Cascade County Republican Central Committee, was a 30-year member of Montana IBEW Union, serve on Faith Lutheran Church Foundation, served on Neighborhood Council 4, and served as Trustee for Trinity Lutheran Church. I am a proud lifetime member of NRA supporting our 2nd Amendment rights. I am also a member of Lutherans for Life organization which opposes the wanton destruction of innocent human life through legalized abortion-on-demand and the growing threat to the lives of others through legalized assisted suicide and euthanasia. 

I am proud to say that I am a first generation American. I immigrated to from Holland, a socialist country, when I was 12. I firmly believe the United States of America is the land of opportunity and success awaits anyone with hard work and tenacity. We live in the greatest country on earth. Socialism never works, and I’ve seen first-hand what socialism does to a country. Like President Trump, I will fight tooth-and-nail to prevent America from becoming a socialist country.

I became a naturalized citizen and served at MAFB. After leaving the Air Force, I chose to stay in Montana and retired after 30 years as a lineman at Northwestern Energy (Montana Power Co). It is crucially important to me to give back to the community and to the country I love, because this country his given so much to me. Freedom, liberty and prosperity should never be taken for granted.

We live in interesting times with the Covid-19 pandemic and face a huge economic impact in the state. Montana is called the “Treasure State” for a reason. It is possible to responsibly utilize our natural resources such as oil/gas, coal, and timber to make our country energy independent and keep Montanans working.

I’ve taken the oath to the Constitution of the US and I take that oath very seriously. I believe that I am informed, willing, and able to represent the good people in my district and would appreciate your vote.

MT Senate District 10 GOP Primary: Fitzpatrick & Dodd

E-City Beat emailed local Montana legislative candidates who are in primaries requesting responses to three questions, which you’ll see below. Ballots for the June primary are currently arriving in mailboxes.

Today we are publishing responses from GOP candidates for SD 10, Steve Fitzpatrick and Jeni Dodd. Ms. Dodd didn’t include a photo with her response. Stay tuned this week for more candidate responses.

Steve Fitzpatrick

Why Are You Running for The Office?

I am running for reelection because I want to make Montana the best place to live, start a business, and raise a family. Montana is facing some serious challenges. We need leaders who have the experience and willingness to do the right thing to move Montana forward.

In politics today, we spend too much time asking whether a political party or special interest wins or loses. We need to stop that. I believe we should ask whether the people of Montana win or lose.

I believe in the importance of working together to find solutions to the challenges we face. In the 2019 session, I worked with a broad coalition of legislators to pass meaningful legislation to improve access to healthcare and to lower the cost of prescription drugs, to protect property and water rights, and to improve our business environment. In total, I sponsored and passed 31 pieces of legislation, the most of any legislator.

If reelected, I will continue to work with others to find solutions to the problems we face. You can count on me to represent you and put the interests of Montanans first.

Why are You Running as a Republican?

I am a Republican because I believe in the core values – limited government, improved economic opportunity, fiscally responsible government, and the belief in the dignity and worth of every individual — which have guided our party for over 150 years.

As your Senator, I have worked to eliminate unnecessary regulation, to improve opportunities for Montana businesses, and to encourage responsible natural resource development.

I believe in the importance of being a good steward of public resources. The Legislature should only spend for money for services we actually need and never tolerate any waste, fraud, or abuse in state government.

I believe in the importance of agriculture, property rights, and Second Amendment rights and in ensuring all Montanans have access to affordable, quality healthcare. As your Senator, I will continue to work to improve Montana and to ensure a better future for you and your family.

What Makes You the Best Candidate in the Race?

I am the candidate who will represent you, not the special interests or the party bosses. I have a conservative voting record and a proven record of working to find common sense solutions. As your Senator, I will do what is best for the people of Cascade County.

I have been named a Montana Chamber of Commerce Champion of Business, have an “A” rating from the Montana Farm Bureau Federation, and a 100% score with the Montana Family Foundation. However, this election is about more than voting records. It is about electing a person who represents the values of the district.

I believe in the importance of hard work, personal responsibility, and living within our means. I will support legislation which protects and enhances our community and the State of Montana. I will not support legislation that does otherwise. You can count of me to stand up for better jobs and a strong economy, improved access to healthcare, fiscally responsible government, and a better future for Montana.

Jeni Dodd

Why are you running for the office?

I’ve achieved some results as a local activist, but I believe I can accomplish more as a legislator helping form policy, rather than merely opposing or defending existing policy. What I hope to accomplish is legislation that will do the following: reduce government overreach, particularly that which affects small businesses/independent contractors; shrink government waste; protect and defend our inalienable rights; decrease the tax burden on Montana residents; and provide for private property rights protections, including protections from regulatory takings such as unreasonable restrictions and ordinances. I would also examine what is and isn’t working well for our state and push for change, but change that is consistent with our founding documents.

Why are you running as a Republican?

I’m running as a Republican because I share the values stated in our party’s platform and will uphold those values. I also believe that the Republican party is more aligned with our Constitutional Republic. Ben Franklin was right when he stated, “A Republic, if you can keep it.” The Republican party seems to want to “keep it.”

I’m also running because it’s been disappointing to me to see local members of our party, the “Solutions Caucus,” consistently vote against Republican and Constitutional values in the Montana Legislature. It seems to me that the Solutions Caucus, in joining with Democrats, have abandoned both critical thinking and the party platform. My opponent is a leading member of that caucus. Republicans that vote with Democrats and against the values our party holds dear—limited government, sanctity of life, inalienable rights enumerated in the Constitution, less taxes, etc.—are truly not Republicans.

The Democrat party didn’t run a candidate in Senate District 10, perhaps because they know they can count on my opponent, the incumbent, to vote with them.

What makes you the best candidate in the race?

More than a dozen political action committees have donated to my opponent. My campaign has received no PAC donations. I am funded by individuals and will represent the voters, not special interests. I’m endorsed by Montanans for Limited Government and Legistats. They know I’m the best candidate in this primary because I would more faithfully represent Republican and Constitutional values than my opponent.

Does Joe Biden Believe Tara Reade?

While the mainstream media continues to provide cover for Joe Biden, the truth is there for anyone willing to seek it: the former Vice President was recently accused of sexually assaulting a former staffer.

Detailing an alleged incident from 1993, Tara Reade told Yahoo! News that Biden digitally penetrated her:

She told part of her story in 2019, when Lucy Flores wrote in The Cut about the inappropriate way Biden smelled her hair and kissed the top of her head. At the time, several other women came forward to say that Biden had touched them in ways that made them uncomfortable, including Reade, who said that Biden used to put his hands on her shoulders and run his fingers up and down her neck. Now, she has detailed what she says is the entirety of her experience with Biden on The Katie Halper Show.

According to Reade, Biden pressed her up against a wall and digitally penetrated her without her consent. “It happened all at once, and then… his hands were on me and underneath my clothes,” she says. She also remembers him asking “do you want to go somewhere else?” and then, when she had pulled away, “Come on, man, I heard you liked me.” Reade says that “everything shattered” in that moment and his claim that he thought she liked him made her feel like she had “done this” somehow. “I looked up to him, he was my father’s age. He was this champion of women’s rights in my eyes,” she says. “I wanted to be a senator; I didn’t want to sleep with one.”

Remember the character assassination of Brett Kavanaugh? The reflexive preaching that Christine Blasey Ford was to be automatically believed?

Or how about Biden’s own words in the past?

During the Kavnaugh hearings, Biden told the Washington Post, “For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real.”

OK, how about now?

BREAKING: Green Party Qualifies For Montana 2020 Ballot

Mike Dennison, Chief Political Reporter for the MT Television Network, is reporting that the Montana Secretary of State has qualified the Green Party for the 2020 Montana ballot and that the Green Party Montana senate candidate has already filed.

The filing deadline for all candidates is this coming Monday, March 9.

We have to wonder how this development will affect Gov. Bullock’s rumored entry into the senate race. Interesting times.

Will The Great Falls Tribune Be Fair?

If you paid any attention to the recent Great Falls City election, you know that three things are true: a positive, pro-growth, pro-transparency agenda reigned over all, that name ID and incumbency forgave serial malfeasance, and that screeching, far-left nobodies were tossed into the electoral trash heap.

What is one to make, then, of last-place finisher Jasmine Taylor, whose since-deleted Facebook rant single-handedly triggered a hit piece from Tribune reporter Karl Puckett against the eventual leading vote-getter, Rick Tryon?

During the campaign, then-candidate Tryon had a dustup with Bill Strizich. According to Tryon, it was a private conversation and not newsworthy. According to leftist activists (and Puckett — are they one and the same?), it was precisely the thing to publish on the very day that absentee ballots were mailed out for the election (though the “incident” in question took place days before).

I asked Tryon about the Tribune piece.

“Karl Puckett told me that the story in question was newsworthy because it was posted online,” Tryon said.

Well, there you have it.

What a laudable editorial standard.

Despite Taylor admitting at the time that she had no firsthand knowledge of the exchange between Tryon and Strizich, a reporter for the Great Falls Tribune nevertheless found it appropriate to bring Rick Tryon to heel as a result of Taylor’s deeply partisan hearsay.

You can’t find the original high-sounding, moralistic, preachy post from Taylor’s Facebook feed anymore, because something interesting happened. In the comments section on her post, Taylor herself was credibly accused of actual violence. Acting like a typically guilty person (and after realizing she had just been outed as a hypocrite), Taylor quickly deleted the post to cover up her own allegedly violent past, though not before one of our readers sent it to me today:

For those who don’t know, for many years, Rachel Kaiser has been a community institution, with her artwork and murals delightfully decorating our downtown. I believe her, and invite her to continue to speak truth to power.

The question, though, is will Karl Puckett and the Tribune exact the same journalistic diligence — since a similar allegation was merely thrown about “online” — against a shrill, far-left candidate for the state legislature as it did against Tryon?

You see, this sort of deep dive oughtn’t be a retrospective. In fact, it couldn’t be more timely or topical.

Amusingly, Jasmine Taylor just filed to run as a Democrat in House District 22 against two-term incumbent Lola Sheldon-Galloway (R-Great Falls).

So what will Puckett do?

Time will tell, but given how odious Taylor is, I’m hearing that even the RINO’s are lining up to support “Grandma Lola.” Apparently, a public Facebook profile celebrating abortion just isn’t resonating on the West Side.

I can’t believe the Democrats are this hard up, but I guess they are.

A-Listers, Big Tech Execs, Billionaires, And DC Insiders: Meet Whitney Williams’ Donors

Not too long ago, we wrote about Democratic gubernatorial candidate Whitney Williams’ massive fundraising efforts, and the fact that more than three quarters of her haul originates from big money donors outside of Montana.

Given the extreme disparity between Williams’ out-of-state donations compared to the other candidates, I decided to take a deeper dive into her campaign finances. The results were legitimately astounding.

All told, Williams’ C5 report stretches 92 pages in length, and it reads like a who’s who of American wealth and privilege. For every in-state donor, count four more from Hollywood, Silicon Valley, academia, and the Washington-New York political corridor.

Here are just some of the notables, keeping in mind that $710 is the maximum contribution amount allowed under Montana law:

  • Ben Affleck, actor/director, Santa Monica, CA ($710 primary, $710 general)
  • Larry David, Seinfeld co-creator, Los Angeles, CA ($200 primary)
  • Eric Schmidt, former Google CEO, Mountain View, CA ($710 primary, $710 general)
  • Wendy Schmidt, Schmidt Family Foundation President, Palo Alto, CA ($710 primary, $710 general)

Two quick notes on the above:

  1. Wikileaks exposed a close relationship between Schmidt (while Google CEO) and the Clintons, beginning around Hillary’s failed presidential bid in 2008. Williams worked for Mrs. Clinton as the first lady’s Trips Director, and then later on her 2008 campaign.
  2. Whitney Williams obnoxiously took issue with Greg Gianforte for inviting Donald Trump, Jr. to a fundraiser:

According to Forbes, Eric Schmidt is the 33rd richest person in the world, with a net worth of more than $16 billion. Williams can bluster all she wants, in vile nativist fashion, about out-of-state influence in this election, but according to her, it’s perfectly OK for a Silicon Valley mega-billionaire like Schmidt — who is worth many times more than all of the Trumps combined — to directly influence who governs Montana, because, well, he supports Williams.

Beyond these headliners, seemingly every pillar of American wealth and privilege has donated to Williams.

Big Tech certainly has:

  • Steven Slupski, security manager (Amazon), Kirkland, WA ($100 primary)
  • David Zapolski, attorney (Amazon), Seattle, WA ($710 primary, $710 general)
  • Thomas Reardon, scientist (Facebook), New York, NY ($710 primary)
  • Dustin Knievel, lead talent partner (GitHub), Seattle, WA ($250 primary)
  • Alexandra Eital, manager (Google), Los Angeles, CA ($710 primary, $290 general)
  • Jacquelline Fuller, technology (Google), Orinda, CA ($710 primary, $710 general)
  • Hector Mujica, program manager (Google), Oakland, CA ($50 primary)
  • Ileana Ovale, technology (Google), San Diego, CA ($100 primary)
  • Polly Zuber, marketing (Google), Santa Monica, CA ($125 primary)
  • Thomas Clark, program manager (Microsoft), Seattle, WA ($250 primary)
  • Adam Zukor, communications (Microsoft), Seattle, WA ($250 primary)

Williams’ filing goes on and on like this.

Scores of other donations come from other entertainment grandees, UC-Berkeley faculty members, “woke” capitalist execs (Nike), along with countless CEOs, attorneys, and elites from tony San Francisco, Seattle, New York, Washington, et al.

You can see it all for yourself here (spoiler alert: you won’t see a whole lot from “Joe Six Pack” working a 9-5 in Silver Bow County):


Supporters of Williams will likely point to her experience and connections as a positive in all of this. They might even suggest that Williams (and only Wililams) could persuade a big fish to come to the Treasure State. The truth, however, is that her campaign finances just aren’t normal (and not in a good way). It all smacks of entitlement, and of an effort to solidify yet another political dynasty — one with, frankly, a relatively limited actual connection to Montana. (How much of her life has Williams spent in Montana? Was she even born here?)

Partisanship aside, and no matter what one might think about Mike Cooney or Greg Gianforte or anyone else, every candidate in this race but Williams has raised roughly 80% of their donations (if not more) from actual Montanans. Williams’ efforts to buy herself the governorship on the backs of wealthy coastal elites is next to unbelievable, and as far as I can tell, unprecedented in Montana political history.

Ed Buttrey Gets A Primary

Legislator Ed Buttrey, the incumbent in HD 21, will once again face a competitive primary.

Black Eagle resident Sally Tucker filed to run in HD 21 as a Republican today.

Buttrey trounced Republicans John Abarr and Rickey Linafelter (winning over 75% of the vote) in a three-way primary in 2018, before ultimately defeating Democrat Leesha Ford in the general election, 53-46.

You can view Tucker’s C1 here:


Nearly 76% Of Whitney Williams’ Donations From Out Of State

Montana Democrat and gubernatorial candidate Whitney Williams is a fundraising tour de force.

Williams, the daughter of former U.S. Representative Pat Williams and former Montana Senate Majority Leader Carol Williams, has amassed a campaign war chest that leads the Democratic field.

According to the Montana Free Press, Williams has raked in $431,768, but with only 24.2% of that total coming from Montana donors. (Mike Cooney comes in second among Democrats, at $399,375, with Casey Schreiner following with just over $80,000.)

Don Pogreba of The Montana Post expanded on the Montana Free Press’ reporting and created a chart detailing, among other things, the percentage of funds raised by each candidate from in-state donors.

Here is the breakdown, in descending order:

  • Al Olszewski (R): 96.2%
  • Reilly Neill (D): 90.0%
  • Casey Schreiner (D): 84.9%
  • Tim Fox (R): 84.3%
  • Greg Gianforte (R): 79.7%
  • Mike Cooney (D): 78.7%
  • Whitney Williams (D): 24.2%

While some might chafe at Williams’ extreme reliance on outside money to influence our governor’s race, rest assured that Williams does not actually want out-of-staters telling us how to vote:


If an out-of-stater comes here to “tell” us how to vote, that’s bad. But if an out-of-stater wants to write her a check, that’s good.

Progressives Rail Against “White Privilege” After Kamala Harris Drops Out


California Senator Kamala Harris, a self-proclaimed “top-tier candidate” for the presidency, mercifully ended her failing campaign today, months before the first primary and much to the chagrin of woke progressives on Twitter.

Witness the immortal Sally Kohn swipe away at this (to paraphrase Van Jones) “whitelash” by the Democrats:

CNN contributor MJ Lee tweeted that the remaining candidates who have qualified for the next debate are all white:

Wait a minute … since when is Elizabeth Warren white?!