Montana is very short on EMS personnel and Whiteline Consulting and Training has stepped up to help get EMTs into services! Whiteline has EMT courses throughout Montana, yes you heard that right – throughout! They have dedicated instructors who travel to bring EMT courses to Montana areas. Whiteline has a course coming up in Vaughn,…
Great Falls/Cascade County Still Stagnant
At last week’s Great Falls city commission meeting we voted to approve a $150,000 funding request, using federal ARPA funds, for the Great Falls International Airport. The money will be used as part of a matching fund package for a Small Community Air Service Development Grant (SCASD) to help lower air fares at Great Falls’…
April Fundraiser For Great Falls Catholic Schools
Starting A Business: Effective Tips For Parents With Disabilities
Managing parenting while living with a condition while launching your new business – it’s a lot for the best of us! But there are so many strategies out there to get your small business up and running while tending to your kids and taking care of yourself. Work-life balance is real – and the extra…
Great Falls Homeless Encampment A ‘Living Nightmare’ After Dark
Editors note – The following is the text of comments made during public comment at the 2/15/22 Great Falls City Commission meeting by a local citizen who lives in the same neighborhood as the First United Methodist Church. “I’m a lifelong resident of Great Falls, MT. I grew up attending its schools, I graduated from…
Some Only See One Side Of The “Homeless Encampment” Problem
During the public comment portion of last night’s Great Falls City Commission meeting quite a few local residents got up and expressed their opinions on the “homeless encampment” at the First United Methodist Church. You can view the video of the meeting here. Public comment begins at about 7 minutes 30 seconds into the meeting….
Great Falls Dem Candidate Says Cancel Rogan And Billionaires Shouldn’t Have Money
As the 2022 election draws closer, local candidates for the Montana state legislature are rolling out their campaigns. One Great Falls candidate, Democrat for HD23 Melissa Smith, is busy on Twitter making her views public. Following are a couple of screenshots of Tweets from Smith posted just in the last two days and sent to…
How Parents of Special Needs Kids Can Lower Fatigue and Feel Better
Being the parent of a special needs child is rewarding but challenging. You may often feel wiped out at the end of the day with little time to address your own mental or physical health. The earlier you figure out how to take care of yourself, the better the outcomes will be for you and…
Heisler’s Generous Gift To GF Central High
Local Business Owners and Philanthropists Tom and Mary Jane Heisler Give $250,000 to Launch New Scholarship Endowment FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Jan. 24, 2022 Great Falls Central Catholic High School announces that alumnus Tom Heisler (’61) and his wife, Mary Jane, have donated $250,000 to the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana to launch the new Tom…
Local State Senate Candidates
Last Thursday candidates from across the state started filing their paperwork to run for elective office in Montana. Election Day is November 8, 2022. Here are the state Senate District candidate filings in Cascade County so far. SD 11 – TOM JACOBSON (D) SD 12 – JACOB BACHMEIER (D), WENDY MCKAMEY (R) SD 13 –…