Tuesday afternoon Cascade County Commissioners voted 2-1 to oppose the proposed establishment of the Big Sky Country National Heritage Area. The lone vote to support the NHA was from Commissioner Jane Weber. Weber, also the chair of the BSCNHA Inc Board of Directors, has been criticized for failing to recuse herself from deliberating on and…
What You Need to Know to Have Safe and Budget-Friendly Holidays
You want to be able to safely spend time with your family and friends this holiday season, but you also want to be able to do so without putting any pressure on your budget. After all, we’re all worried about our health and finances these days. Luckily, there are a couple of ways you can…
Big Local Pushback To Big Sky Country National Heritage Area Effort
Editors note: the following is a press release from Montanans Opposing Big Sky Country National Heritage Area. News Release For Immediate Release: Contact: December 2, 2020 Rae GrulkowskiMontanans Opposing Big Sky Country National Heritage Arearae@3rivers.net406.788.3204 Montanans Says NO to BSCNHA! Great Falls, Cascade County, MT – On December 2, 2020, the thirteenth organization submitted their…
Great Falls City Commission Hypocrisy
While hypocrisy isn’t exclusive to politicians, it certainly is more disappointing when we see it in our elected officials. Case in point. At last week’s Great Falls City Commission work session, Commissioner Mary Moe presented a draft resolution addressing nondiscrimination, which she authored. Her cover letter includes the following: “I am attaching a draft resolution…
Great Falls Citizens Complaint Form Now Online
As a Great Falls City Commissioner I am always open to and interested in hearing suggestions, criticisms, and plain ol’ complaints from my fellow citizens about how City employees and officials are performing or how City policy is working, or not working. I do my best to bring citizen’s concerns to the attention of the…
How To Ensure Your Kids Are Gaming Safely
By Daniel Sherwin, Great Falls MT Video games get a bad rap, but they actually offer a ton of benefits for kids when used appropriately. They promote hand-eye coordination, help kids enhance problem-solving skills, and let them build their imagination and explore new worlds. However, there are some safety risks you should keep in mind…
Foot In The Door: More Great Falls Cronyism?
THE GREAT FALLS AQUATIC CENTER – BOON, OR BOONDOGGLE? In 2018, Great Falls’ only indoor swimming pool, the Morony Natatorium, or Nat as it was affectionately known, was closed after 52 years of service to the community. It replaced an older Natatorium which was demolished in 1963. You may be reminded of the original Nat…
Montana Voters Give GOP Strong Majority In Statehouse
The red wave in Montana dealt a crushing blow to state Democrats. In addition to sweeping all of the statewide offices from Governor to State Auditor, Republicans won a strong majority in both chambers of the Montana legislature. In the House, Republicans picked up 9 seats, giving them a 67 to 33 majority there. The…
Montana Red Tsunami, Cascade County Red Wave
As of today, the U.S. presidential election is undecided with four states, North Carolina, Georgia, Nevada and Pennsylvania, still counting ballots and their corresponding electoral votes still up for grabs. One thing is certain though – the oft-predicted national blue wave sweeping Republicans from office didn’t happen. There wasn’t even a blue splash. In fact…
Trump’s Best Tweet Ever
The capstone tweet from an American political icon.