Today we’re starting our series on local legislative candidates. In House District 22 Democrat Jasmine Taylor is challenging GOP incumbent Representative Lola Sheldon-Galloway. Here is Rep. Sheldon-Galloway’s response and profile. Ms. Taylor didn’t respond to our request. Representative LOLA Sheldon-Galloway House District 22 I have lived my entire life in Cascade County. Growing up in…
Local Dem Candidate Pushes Nazi Smear Against Buttrey
Earlier this week news broke about a Great Falls Democrat candidate for state legislature in House District 21 smearing his GOP opponent, Ed Buttrey, as a Nazi sympathizer. Jaime Horn, the Democrat, posted this picture and statement on his official campaign Facebook page: Buttrey explained to MTN News, after Horn sent the photo to them,…
How To Make Your Voice Heard On Great Falls LGBTQ+ Proposed Nondiscrimination Ordinance
Citizen comments concerning the proposed Great Falls LGBTQ+ nondiscrimination ordinance are being received by the City of Great Falls and the Great Falls City Commission. Click here for the City Attorney’s opinion on the proposal. The opinion also contains the full text of the proposed ordinance. The City Commission scheduled a special work session to…
LR-130: Montana ‘Rubes’ Answer To Gun Control ‘Transplants’
Editors note – the following is an letter from Gary Marbut, President of the Montana Shooting Sports Association. An open letter to the city councilors of Billings, Helena, Bozeman, and other Montana communities. Dear Councillors, As the November election approaches, you may have some thoughts about LR-130, the legislative referendum to restrain local governments from…
‘Pigeon Poop Factory’ In Downtown Great Falls?
Since I was elected to the Great Falls City Commission I’ve been hearing a lot of questions and concerns about the Rocky Mountain Building on Central Avenue in Great Falls. The building was gutted in a fire about 11 years ago and has come to being regularly and derisively referred to as the Downtown Pigeon…
BREAKING: Steve Bullock Accused Of Sexual Assault
Montana Governor and U.S. Senate hopeful, Steve Bullock, is facing a fresh allegation of sexual assault. Apparently, Bullock (a Democrat) got a little “handsy” with a young co-ed. Remind us, Democrats: how does this work again? Oh, we should believe all women, right? If so, this should certainly disqualify Bullock — the embodiment of a…
Great Falls Makes Final Cut For $20 Million Indoor Aquatics Facility
According to a Wednesday afternoon press release from the City of Great Falls, Great Falls received some great news this week. “On June 16, 2020, in collaboration with Malmstrom Air Force Base (MAFB), the Great Falls City Commission authorized City Manager Greg Doyon to submit a proposal to construct a new indoor aquatics facility under…
Biden Taps Kamala: Brilliant, Pandering, Or Irrelevant Pick?
Joe Biden has selected California Democratic Senator, and former rival for the party’s POTUS nomination, Kamala Harris as his running mate. After the announcement Harris tweeted, “I’m honored to join him as our party’s nominee for Vice President, and do what it takes to make him our Commander-in-Chief.” What do you think? Take our poll….
Does Bullock Think The 2nd Amendment Is About Hunting?
When Steve Bullock ran for the Democratic nomination for President he made it clear that he would support a ban on some semi-automatic firearms. Here’s what he said, according to an AP article from August, 2018: “Gov. Steve Bullock’s comments came in response Sunday to a question posed to him on CNN’s State of The…
E-City Beat Invites Candidates To Make Their Pitch
Here’s the list of candidates in Cascade County/Great Falls who will be on the ballot in November competing for seats in the Montana State Legislature, followed by E-City Beat’s invitation for each candidate to answer some questions for voters. We encourage our readers to contact the candidates and encourage them to respond so that voters…