Earlier in July the Great Falls City Commission asked that our City Attorney, Sara Sexe, conduct a review and provide us with some research and analysis of the local nondiscrimination ordinance, NDO, being proposed by the Great Falls LGBTQ+ Center board. Ms. Sexe responded to our request and provided a fairly extensive analysis covering several…
Former Mayor Winters Hosts Local Sing Along Event
Former Great Falls Mayor Michael Winters, Bud Nichols, Jan Cahill and Johnny Walker are hosting a local “Sing Along” night event this Thursday evening July 30, starting at 7:00 PM. Here’s the announcement Winters sent to E-City Beat: “Our event is a participation event to be held at Gibson Park at the Gibson Band shell,…
Great Falls Rally Postponed, LE Appreciation Day Goes Forward
Editors note: below is the post from Friday on rally organizer Rick Tryon’s Facebook page. “After a lot of thought and consultation we have decided to go forward with the Local Law Enforcement Appreciation Day next Wednesday, July 29 but we are postponing the rally that evening until a later date. Here’s why: I have…
Multiple Events For Great Falls Law Enforcement Appreciation Day – July 29
Editors note: this article has been updated to reflect new or changed information. The sheer awesomeness of our community amazes me once again. We support the Great Falls Police Department and the Cascade County Sheriff’s Office, their officers, employees, and families – several local businesses and individuals have stepped up to add their support. First…
Maclean Animal Adoption Proposal & City Budget On GF City Commisison Agenda
Editors note: E-City Beat has requested and received permission to copy and paste Great Falls City Commissioner Rick Tryon’s reports from his public city commissioner Facebook page, ‘Rick Tryon for a Greater Great Falls’. Information on the July 21 Tuesday night Great Falls City Commission work session and regular meeting: Work Session – Once again…
Is Frying Pan Violence On The Rise?
There have been lots of headlines recently about the out-of-control violence and unrest in many of our country’s major metropolitan areas. Shootings in Chicago and NYC, as well as other big cities, have reached levels compared to the wild west or Middle East war zones. And of course the mainstream media always describes such madness…
Local Company Offers Full Range Of Digital Transfer Services
Stray Moose Productions is a local one-stop audio-visual production, duplicating and transfer specialist. “Why send your memories out of town when we can do it all right here in the Great Falls area?” – Stray Moose Stray Moose Productions can transfer your VHS and SVHS video tapes of movies, home movies and other content to…
How To Follow The Money Given To Local Political Candidates
In the coming weeks E-City Beat will be posting campaign contribution information for all candidates in Cascade County/Great Falls contested races for the Montana State Legislature. The information is all available online on the Commissioner of Political Practices web site via a searchable form. You can find the portal here: https://appecm.mt.gov/PerceptiveCPPCampaignReports/#! It looks like this:…
Great Falls LGBTQ Center’s NDO Proposal
Kudos to the Great Falls LGBTQ Center for making their draft proposal for a local non-discrimination ordinance available to the public on their Facebook page. Our community deserves transparency and plenty of time to analyze, study and fully vet the information before beginning the formal process of taking public comment and considering the proposal. Below…
University Of Portland Removes Corps Of Discovery Statue
After we published our two opinion pieces from this week (Should Lewis & Clark’s Names & Statues Be Removed? and Pastor Collins Responds To Lewis & Clark Statue Question) concerning statues and monuments memorializing Lewis and Clark, a reader posted in our comments section this link to an article in the online Oregonian dated June…