_______________________________________________________________________ Editors note: the following is an article we received today from a Great Falls resident who for obvious reasons has asked to remain anonymous. Thirty years ago when I bought my home and was head of the youngest family on our block, the old-timers living nearby imagined, and some so-stated, “There goes the neighborhood!”…
Author: ECB Staff
A Tale Of Two City Commissions
We all know how Bob Kelly’s City Commission is conducting itself in dealing with the Maclean Animal Adoption Center. But how did the City tackle this issue under its previous mayor, Michael Winters? Winters jumped onto the E-City beat comments to tell everyone just that, and he did not mince words: Michael J Winters June…
Great Falls Parking & ‘A Leader Who Listens’?
_______________________________________________________________________ We couldn’t help but notice two related local topics this week: Tracy Houck announced her intention to run for reelection to the Great Falls city commission. The City of Great Falls is proposing doubling downtown parking meter fees. We find it rather ironic, and quite amusing, that Houck is using the slogan “A Leader…
Letters – Game Of GOP Thrones
_______________________________________________________________________ Editors note: We’re introducing a new feature on E-City Beat – Letters To The Editor. If you would like to opine on a state or local topic just email your letter to info@ecitybeat.com. Please limit your letter to 250 words or less and include your email address and real name. Letter to the Editor…
Local GOP Response To Hagan Press Release Too Personal
_______________________________________________________________________ Yesterday we received a letter from Michael Polaske, Chairman of the Cascade County Republican Central Committee Nominating Committee, in response to the press release we published on Monday from Roger Hagan. We will not be publishing Polaske’s response at this time due to the nature of the content of the letter. Almost every other…
State GOP Smacks Down Local Central Committee
_______________________________________________________________________ PRESS RELEASE FROM ROGER A. HAGAN ON RULING BY REPUBLICAN PARTY ON CASCADE COUNTY REPUBLICAN CENTRAL COMMITTEE RULES I am pleased to announce the Montana Republican Party has issued an important decision nullifying rules intended to prevent reform of the Cascade County Republican Central Committee (CCRCC). Last week, a subcommittee of the Montana Republican…
No One Told Me There Would Be Math
_______________________________________________________________________ Here’s a public service announcement we think could be a very helpful local learning resource – math tutoring for local students. According to Malachy Horning from Central Assembly of God in Great Falls, “Central Assembly has a tutoring center with 10 computers and supervision. Our youth pastor is a math genius and we have…
An Angry Snow Day Letter To GFPS School Board
_______________________________________________________________________ Today E-City Beat received the following letter written to the Great Falls Public Schools Board of Trustees. We are respecting the letter writer’s request to remain anonymous. “To whom it may concern, I have just called my son out of classes for today due to dangerously low temperatures. This is something I should not…
Update: Cascade County Sheriffs Office Investigation
_______________________________________________________________________ E-City Beat has learned from several reliable sources close to the investigation into the Cascade County Sheriffs Office that the suspected wrongdoing is far more serious than “irregularities with regard to some purchases” as Cascade County Attorney Josh Racki stated in a recent press release. According to our sources, there is a very high probability…
Salary Increase For New GFPS Superintendent
________________________________________________________________________ We challenge our readers to take 4 minutes and watch the video we’ve linked below from the Open The Books website. It’s quite revealing and a little shocking. And we would like to remind our readers how much money our Great Falls Public Schools Superintendent and top administrators are making, as we noted…