H/T to Democracy NOW!, via Glenn Greenwald: Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald says Democrats have adopted a “Cold War McCarthyite kind of rhetoric” by accusing many its critics of having ties to Russia. “It’s sort of this constant rhetorical tactic to try and insinuate that anyone opposing the Clintons are somehow Russian agents, when it’s…
Author: ECB Staff
Give Him An “A” For Honesty
H/T to BizPacReview, for exposing the worst-kept secret in this year’s 2016 presidential election: the mainstream media, particularly CNN, is totally in the bag for Hillary Clinton: Witness CNN’s Chris Cuomo, the man who called Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort a liar and debated Rudy Giuliani for 32 break-less minutes on the ridiculous liberal interpretation of Trump’s Second Amendment statement, wax eloquent…
Wikileaks Now Viewed Favorably by Majority of Americans
A fun tweet today from Wikileaks, who now boasts a net positive favorable approval rating within the U.S. The whistleblower group has pounded on Hillary Clinton and the DNC in recent weeks, much to the delight of Republicans, and evidently, to a majority of Americans. The interesting question, though, is whether or not the Wikileaks poll “knows” something the…