As a Great Falls City Commissioner I am always open to and interested in hearing suggestions, criticisms, and plain ol’ complaints from my fellow citizens about how City employees and officials are performing or how City policy is working, or not working. I do my best to bring citizen’s concerns to the attention of the…
Category: City Commission
Foot In The Door: More Great Falls Cronyism?
THE GREAT FALLS AQUATIC CENTER – BOON, OR BOONDOGGLE? In 2018, Great Falls’ only indoor swimming pool, the Morony Natatorium, or Nat as it was affectionately known, was closed after 52 years of service to the community. It replaced an older Natatorium which was demolished in 1963. You may be reminded of the original Nat…
Video Link To Commisison Public Comments At Nondiscrimination Ordinance Commission Meeting
Editors note: E-City Beat has requested and received permission to copy and paste Great Falls City Commissioner Rick Tryon’s reports from his public commissioner’s Facebook page, ‘Rick Tryon for a Greater Great Falls’. COMMISSIONER TRYON’S GREAT FALLS CITY COMMISSION REPORT “Here is the link to the video of the special work session the city commission…
‘Pigeon Poop Factory’ In Downtown Great Falls?
Since I was elected to the Great Falls City Commission I’ve been hearing a lot of questions and concerns about the Rocky Mountain Building on Central Avenue in Great Falls. The building was gutted in a fire about 11 years ago and has come to being regularly and derisively referred to as the Downtown Pigeon…
Commissioner Tryon Responds To ‘Homophobic, Misogynistic, Bootlicker’ Comment
It’s rare, but occasionally a moment comes along that serves as perfect confirmation for something you say or do. Such a moment popped up for me this morning after I posted the following on my personal Facebook page: “…I have always endeavored to express myself and exercise my First Amendment rights with civility, good humor,…
Maclean Animal Adoption Proposal & City Budget On GF City Commisison Agenda
Editors note: E-City Beat has requested and received permission to copy and paste Great Falls City Commissioner Rick Tryon’s reports from his public city commissioner Facebook page, ‘Rick Tryon for a Greater Great Falls’. Information on the July 21 Tuesday night Great Falls City Commission work session and regular meeting: Work Session – Once again…
Great Falls LGBTQ Center’s NDO Proposal
Kudos to the Great Falls LGBTQ Center for making their draft proposal for a local non-discrimination ordinance available to the public on their Facebook page. Our community deserves transparency and plenty of time to analyze, study and fully vet the information before beginning the formal process of taking public comment and considering the proposal. Below…
A Tale Of Two Emails
Not surprisingly, my Great Falls City Commissioner email inbox has been very interesting recently. So in doing my best to respond to citizen’s demands for transparency, here are two emails representing the current social and cultural divide in our country, both of which I received within the last three days. Here’s the first. Here’s the…
Issues On Tap For Great Falls City Commission Meeting, 6/16/20
Editors note: E-City Beat has requested and received permission to copy and paste Great Falls City Commissioner Rick Tryon’s reports from his public commissioner’s Facebook page, ‘Rick Tryon for a Greater Great Falls’. Here’s some helpful info for Tuesday nights Great Falls City Commission work session and regular meeting. There are a few items of…
Who Is Sending ‘Defund GFPD’ Emails To Commissioners?
As of this afternoon I have received 14 robo-emails addressed to each of us Great Falls City Commissioners ‘demanding’ that we ‘defund’ the Great Falls Police Department. I also got a call from a Kalispell city commissioner this morning informing me that they have been receiving the same emails. See my response to the emails…