_______________________________________________________________________ The U.S. House of Representatives will hold the first two impeachment inquiry public hearings this week. Wednesday, Nov. 13, George Kent, a deputy assistant Secretary of State and Bill Taylor, a former ambassador and the top US diplomat in Ukraine are scheduled to testify. Friday, Nov.15, it will be former US…
Category: Election 2020
Don’t Buy The ‘Non-Partisan’ Flapdoodle
_______________________________________________________________________ Editors note: due to a technical issue this is a re-post from a story originally put up on 5/21 but later deleted. Someone recently sent me a link to an organization I had never heard of called ‘Forward Montana’. Ostensibly, the groups mission is to get young folks involved in the political process and…
Letters – Game Of GOP Thrones
_______________________________________________________________________ Editors note: We’re introducing a new feature on E-City Beat – Letters To The Editor. If you would like to opine on a state or local topic just email your letter to info@ecitybeat.com. Please limit your letter to 250 words or less and include your email address and real name. Letter to the Editor…