Because I’ve been asked about it several times, I felt it necessary at last night’s Great Falls city commission meeting to publicly correct a piece of incorrect reporting by the Great Falls Tribune last week. The front page of the Tribune’s Thursday, March 31 print addition carried the following headline, “‘Not in my neighborhood’ Anti-Semitic,…
Category: Great Falls Tribune
GF Tribune Gushes Over Far Left Local Candidate
It should be no surprise to anyone who pays attention to such things that the Great Falls Tribune abandoned even the pretense of objectivity some time ago. Once again the ‘newspaper’ has confirmed it’s rock solid commitment to the far left and the Democrat party by it’s near-slobbering promotion of a local progressive candidate for…
Biased: Great Falls Tribune Hires Liberal Activist As Local ‘Watchdog’
If you missed Great Falls Tribune editor Grady Higgins’ piece from a couple of weeks ago, chances are you might not have known that the Trib recently added a “Government Watchdog reporter,” Nicole Girten, to its ranks. And if you didn’t take the time to scroll through the many, many things (7,400+) Girten has liked…
Massages At The Great Falls Tribune?
Back in the Stone Age (12-14 years ago?) I was a member of the Great Falls Tribune Readers Panel, which met on a monthly basis to discuss local issues, newspaper content, and ideas for making our local newspaper more relevant and interesting. I recall going into the relatively new Tribune HQ down on River Drive…
VERY FAKE NEWS — Sheriff Edwards (Again) Fact Checks Tribune Reporter Seaborn Larson
Great Falls Tribune “reporter” Seaborn Larson seems to have it out for Cascade County Sheriff Bob Edwards. After we objectively pointed to an earlier instance of Larson’s Fake News, said Tribune reporter grew angsty and angry, and lambasted E-City Beat in an amusingly shameless and unhinged Twitter meltdown — again and again. Not to be outdone,…
Fake News — Great Falls Tribune
Mr. Larson's information about me is not correct. There is no Deferred sentence and no probation as stated. Yes deferred prosecution and charges dropped. I did not plead guilty or nor was I found guilty. @GFtrib_JStrauss — Bob Edwards (@Bedwards_Gfalls) December 31, 2017 On New Year’s Eve, a sleepy news day, Sheriff Bob Edwards…
Fake News – Great Falls Tribune
From a front-page, AP story in the Tribune this morning on Trump’s budget: “The Trump administration’s budget plan for 2018 assumes that a mix of sharp spending and tax cuts can both shrink the deficit and fuel economic growth of 3 percent a year — a level it hasn’t achieved in more than a dozen…
Comment Of The Day
The Tribune finally caught up to the Tracy Houck, CDBG funding story, but the reporter didn’t have nuthin’ on this commenter: Robert Tyler Great Falls, Montana How can Houck claim to be personally handling this issue because of concern about the privacy protections of a male employee while in tandem exposing the sexual harassment complaint…
Cracking The River City Echo Chamber
“We created an echo chamber,” he admitted, when I asked him to explain the onslaught of freshly minted experts cheerleading for the deal. “They were saying things that validated what we had given them to say.” – Ben Rhodes, former deputy national security advisor to President Barack Obama, in the New York Times Magazine. While…
Benefis FNP: Patient Care Should Trump Union Constraints
On March 9, the Tribune reported that a majority of Benefis RNs signed interest cards to vote on whether or not to form a union. Since then, opposition to unionizing has grown. Julia Fitzpatrick, FNP, has a good letter-to-the-editor in the Tribune today. It comes after a recent KRTV story detailing her efforts to prevent Benefis nurses from unionizing. Fitzpatrick has organized…