In House District 24 GOP candidate Steven Galloway is running against Democrat Barbara Bessette. Here is Galloway’s response and profile. Bessette did not respond to our request. Steven E. Galloway I am a Great Falls native and third generation Montanan. Married to Representative Lola Sheldon-Galloway for 39 years. We have 6 adult children and 14 GRANDKIDS!…
Category: Great Falls
Candidate Profiles – Great Falls HD 25
In House District 25 GOP candidate Steve Gist is running against Democrat incumbent Jasmine Krotkov. Here is Gist’s response and profile. Krotkov did not respond to our request. Steve Gist for Montana House HD 25 I am a Montana native who has lived in Montana my whole life. I grew up on a farm and ranch…
Candidate Profiles – Great Falls HD 19
In House District 19 Libertarian Party candidate George Shultz is running against Republican incumbent Wendy McKamey. Here is McKamey’s response and profile. Shultz did not respond to our request. Talk a little bit about your background, family, work, and hobbies/interests. Currently, I am representing House District 19 and serving my third term. During the 2019 session…
Candidate Profiles – Great Falls HD 21 (Email Glitch)
In House District 21 Democrat Jaime Horn is running against Republican Ed Buttrey. Due to an email glitch Buttrey’s response, which was sent before the deadline date, wound up in the wrong email folder. Here is his response and profile. We apologize for the mix up. Talk a little bit about your background, family, work,…
Candidate Profiles, Great Falls HD 26, Lovick Vs Trebas
In House District 26 Democrat Helena Lovick is running against Republican Jeremy Trebas. Here is the Trebas response and profile. Ms. Lovick didn’t respond to our request. Background information I am 36, am married to Hannah, and have 3 kids, Ryan, Kaylyn, and Aidan. I have been working for the Great Falls Rescue Mission as…
Candidate Profiles – Great Falls HD 22
Today we’re starting our series on local legislative candidates. In House District 22 Democrat Jasmine Taylor is challenging GOP incumbent Representative Lola Sheldon-Galloway. Here is Rep. Sheldon-Galloway’s response and profile. Ms. Taylor didn’t respond to our request. Representative LOLA Sheldon-Galloway House District 22 I have lived my entire life in Cascade County. Growing up in…
Local Dem Candidate Pushes Nazi Smear Against Buttrey
Earlier this week news broke about a Great Falls Democrat candidate for state legislature in House District 21 smearing his GOP opponent, Ed Buttrey, as a Nazi sympathizer. Jaime Horn, the Democrat, posted this picture and statement on his official campaign Facebook page: Buttrey explained to MTN News, after Horn sent the photo to them,…
‘Pigeon Poop Factory’ In Downtown Great Falls?
Since I was elected to the Great Falls City Commission I’ve been hearing a lot of questions and concerns about the Rocky Mountain Building on Central Avenue in Great Falls. The building was gutted in a fire about 11 years ago and has come to being regularly and derisively referred to as the Downtown Pigeon…
Great Falls Makes Final Cut For $20 Million Indoor Aquatics Facility
According to a Wednesday afternoon press release from the City of Great Falls, Great Falls received some great news this week. “On June 16, 2020, in collaboration with Malmstrom Air Force Base (MAFB), the Great Falls City Commission authorized City Manager Greg Doyon to submit a proposal to construct a new indoor aquatics facility under…
E-City Beat Invites Candidates To Make Their Pitch
Here’s the list of candidates in Cascade County/Great Falls who will be on the ballot in November competing for seats in the Montana State Legislature, followed by E-City Beat’s invitation for each candidate to answer some questions for voters. We encourage our readers to contact the candidates and encourage them to respond so that voters…