As we continue our series on the revealing social media posts of local and state candidates/politicians we return to Democrat Barabara Bessette, a former Great Falls Representative incumbent who lost to GOP newcomer Steven Galloway in Cascade County’s HD 24 in 2020. After we posted our piece earlier in the week about Bessette’s nasty, extremely…
Failed Great Falls Dem Bessette Shows Nasty True Colors
This is the second in our series of articles with screenshots from local and state public officials’ and political candidate social media pages. Last time we featured the not-so-nice 2020 Montana gubernatorial candidate Mike Cooney. Today we’re highlighting Democrat Barabara Bessette, a former Great Falls Representative incumbent who lost to GOP newcomer Steven Galloway in…
Post Election Cooney Not As Nice Or ‘Moderate’ As Pre Election Cooney
Recently we have been getting emails from readers with screenshots from local and state public officials’ and political candidate social media pages. And there are some very, very interesting examples which we will be highlighting in the coming weeks. So let’s start with former Montana Lt. Governor and 2020 Democrat gubernatorial candidate Mike Cooney. Many…
Tryon: What’s The Mission Of Local Police And Justice System?
The responsibility of government isn’t to solve all of our problems but rather to ensure our safety in the free exercise of our individual God-given, natural rights. Now think about that in light of our local crime problem. The primary job of Great Falls law-enforcement and our local criminal justice system is to protect and…
Biased: Great Falls Tribune Hires Liberal Activist As Local ‘Watchdog’
If you missed Great Falls Tribune editor Grady Higgins’ piece from a couple of weeks ago, chances are you might not have known that the Trib recently added a “Government Watchdog reporter,” Nicole Girten, to its ranks. And if you didn’t take the time to scroll through the many, many things (7,400+) Girten has liked…
Montana Minimum Wage Increase?
Editors note: Below is an email forwarded to E-City Beat from Great Falls State Representative Lola Galloway. Dear State Representative Galloway, As Montana continues to discuss the state’s minimum wage I wanted to call your attention to The Heartland Institute’s newest Research & Commentary examining the economic implications associated with Senate Bill 187. Heartland’s state government relations coordinator Samantha…
Unfair Or Illegal?
Did the City’s Indoor Recreation Center and Aquatic Facility consultant selection process violate the Federal Procurement rules? In June of last year, the City hired a local architectural/geotechnical engineering team, without advertising so all interested local firms could compete for the Department of Defense $10M grant pre-application project. After the award, the City Manager said,…
Stop – In The Name Of Fairness And Common Sense
What’s a 50 meter pool that is 25 meters short? If you answered, “very short-sighted”, you’d be correct, but that’s what you are going to get with the new Indoor recreation Center and Aquatics Facility. Why is a 50M pool an important feature of an Indoor Aquatics Center? According to a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA)…
The Magic And Wonder Of Presidents Day
This is a special time of year for me and my family. Presidents Day holds so much meaning and so many great memories for me even now as an adult. When I was a kid, every year my brothers and I, with barely contained excitement and anticipation, would count down the days until that magical,…
How Long Before Biden’s Climate Change Agenda Damages Great Falls?
The following excerpts are from an article in the Montana Petroleum Report newsletter entitled “BIDEN TORPEDOES KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE”, written by Alan Olson, Executive Director of the Montana Petroleum Association. You can read the entire article here. “President Biden’s recent executive order to rescind the permits for TC Energy’s Keystone XL, including a section of the pipeline…