With the impeachment trial set to begin next week, we thought we would ask you, our readers, where you stand … Vote now! [poll id=”18″]
A Question For Bernie Sanders
Not from us, but from Brit Hume: Seems fair to at least ask. What would be the limiting principle of Bernie’s socialist give-away train? Would there be one?
Tryon’s January 7 Great Falls City Commission Meeting Recap
Editor’s note: E-City Beat has requested and received permission to copy and paste Great Falls City Commissioner Rick Tryon’s reports from his public commissioner’s Facebook page, ‘Rick Tryon for a Greater Great Falls’. COMMISSIONER TRYON’S GREAT FALLS CITY COMMISSION REPORT As a way to partially fulfill my personal commitment to working for transparent and responsive…
Nearly 76% Of Whitney Williams’ Donations From Out Of State
Montana Democrat and gubernatorial candidate Whitney Williams is a fundraising tour de force. Williams, the daughter of former U.S. Representative Pat Williams and former Montana Senate Majority Leader Carol Williams, has amassed a campaign war chest that leads the Democratic field. According to the Montana Free Press, Williams has raked in $431,768, but with only…
New Year, New Look
Starting today, E-City Beat is sporting a new look. We’ve streamlined our blog page design and we hope that you, our awesome readers, like the change. We’re also looking forward to bringing you additional content this year including local, state, and national information and opinion. Election 2020 should be exciting and interesting at all levels!…
Great Falls City Commission Meeting Agendas – 1/7/2020
Here are the agendas for the Great Falls City Commission work session and regular meetings on Tuesday, January 7. The public is encouraged to attend. You can find the agenda item details and documentation here – https://greatfallsmt.net/meetings Work Session Regular Meeting
Tryon’s January 7 Great Falls City Commission Meeting Preview
Editors note: E-City Beat has requested and received permission to copy and paste Great Falls City Commissioner Rick Tryon’s reports from his public commissioner’s Facebook page, ‘Rick Tryon for a Greater Great Falls’. COMMISSIONER TRYON’S GREAT FALLS CITY COMMISSION REPORT As a way to partially fulfill my personal commitment to working for transparent and responsive…
Texas Gun Law Allows Hero To Save Lives
Starting today E-City Beat is adding a new feature to the blog – a weekly (at least) roundup of some of the top national, state, and local stories from various news outlets curated in an easy access format. Happy New Year to all of our readers! We hope you enjoy this new addition to our…
Washington Warned Of A ‘Frightful Despotism’
George Washington’s Farewell Address is a letter written by the first American President, George Washington, to “The People of the United States of America”. Washington wrote the letter near the end of his second term as President, before his retirement to his home Mount Vernon. Washington begins his warnings to the American…
Poll: Will Impeachment Backfire On Democrats?
This morning House Judiciary Committee Democrats voted two articles of impeachment against President Trump out of committee by a 23-17 vote along strict party lines. There appears to be zero chance that a two-thirds majority of Senators will vote to convict and remove the President if the full House votes next Wednesday to send the…