As I have chatted with folks around Great Falls over the past two weeks since the May 8th mail-in school district levy and Park District 1 election, folks have expressed some surprise that the school levy failed while the Park District proposal passed. I’ve wondered the same thing myself because the school levy was a…
Great Falls High Under Attack
At the suggestion that Great Falls High School is under attack by our school district administration, some E-City Beat commenters have asked if the Great Falls School District’s actions are believed to be intentional. Whether by intent, or simple ignorance I believe Great Falls High School is threatened and here is why. In 2012 the…
What A Tangled Web…
With three of the four major building projects from the $98M bond levy currently under way, it is important to ask, “How did we get here”? Have the projects produced good results? And has the process of the selection of design consultants been carried out honestly, transparently, and with accountability? I, of course have my…
The Who, What, And How Of The Great Falls Good Old Boys And Gals Club
A local good old boys and gals club does exist in good ol’ Great Falls, and it has real impact on our community. Despite those who yell that I am just being negative, the facts tell the story. Crony capitalism exists to some extent everywhere and at every level, including right here in Great Falls….
Honesty, Accountability, Transparency
Drawing inspiration from many commenters on E-City Beat concerning the Great Falls Public School District’s $98M bond and $1.4M levy request, over the next few days we will be presenting views about whether or not the Great Falls Public School District is performing its public service in an honest, accountable and transparent way. In my…
Candidate Profiles: Diane Heikkila (R) And Mary Swenson (D) – Cascade County Treasurer & Superintendent Of Schools
Editor’s note: This is another in our series of profiles for local Cascade County candidates. Each county office candidate was given the opportunity to submit, in their own words, a brief profile outlining why they’re running, what party they represent and why they are the best candidate for the position. Here are the County Treasurer…
A Mom’s Letter
Editor’s note: Since last Wednesday we have received several letters and other communications from local citizens expressing their disappointment over GFPS Superintendent Tammy Lacey’s comments after the voters voted against the districts requested $1.35M operational levy. We’re publishing this letter because we feel it is well written and accurately represents the majority of comments, letters…
Free Speech Threatened
In a recent E-City Beat piece, ‘Rapping Voters’, we reported that one of Great Falls Public Schools Superintendent Tammy Lacey’s condescending excuses for last Tuesday’s operational levy failure was some amorphous confused “Opposition Group”. “And having an opposition group that has their local school district and local educational opportunities confused with their dislike of government…
Candidate Profiles: George Anthony Schultz (R) And Dominick Snell (R) – Cascade County Commissioner
Editor’s note: This is another in our series of profiles for local Cascade County candidates. Each county office candidate was given the opportunity to submit, in their own words, a brief profile outlining why they’re running, what party they represent and why they are the best candidate for the position. Here are the County Commissioner…
Rapping Voters
In the aftermath of the recent school district levy failure, Superintendent Tammy Lacey took to the airwaves and newsprint to give the voters of Great Falls a good rap on the knuckles. Lacey’s condescending explanation of why the levy failed was way off-base and laid the blame on everything except for hers and the district’s…