Kudos are in order for Great Falls Mayor Bob Kelly. Well, sort of at least. At the 2/20/18 City Commission meeting, the Mayor apologized to citizens and to the organizations that won’t be receiving almost $200,000 in CDBG grants. Well, kind of apologized anyway. The reason that some local non-profit organizations will not be receiving…
Great Falls Golf Courses – On Par?
Golf is a valued recreational activity in Great Falls, however, some are now voicing concerns regarding the long term sustainability of two municipal golf courses in Great Falls and the Park and Recreation Department’s ability to continue to operate them. The City of Great Falls is responsible for Anaconda Hills and Eagle Falls golf courses….
Cascade County Commissioner District Maps
Editors note: The deadline to file for county-wide elections is March 12. The only Cascade County Commission seat up for election is the District 3 seat currently held by Democrat Jane Weber. So far, Weber is unopposed. Commission candidates must live within the district they are running to represent. Lots of folks have been complaining…
Every Parents Nightmare – With A Happy Ending
The following was posted on Facebook by Great Falls mom Kelsie Semple on Tuesday, February 27th, 2018. E-City Beat is publishing the post with Kelsie’s permission. The content is unedited. There are minor formatting edits for easier readability. You can find responses from Big Sky Bus Lines and the Great Falls Public School District in…
Double Vision – Another Idea
In our previous posts addressing solutions for solving the parking shortage for GFHS, we have outlined the school district’s plan and our plan. Another Bad Decision What About The Zoning? Solutions Anyone? 7-0 Currently, GFHS has approximately 380 on-campus parking spots, which is by conservative measure about 300 short. In order to address the parking…
Didn’t Speak Out At The Meeting? Then Shut Up!
There exists an emergent trend in the local discourse these days, and it goes something like this: if you oppose something, but didn’t say so on the record at the meeting where it was discussed, then your ideas are not credible, and you need to shut up. It’s an amusing fallacy that, while rhetorically effective…
HUD Debacle: City’s Response Puzzling
The City Commission’s response to HUD findings of conflicts of interest in Jenn Rowell’s February 21 article on The Electric are a bit perplexing. https://theelectricgf.com/2018/02/21/mayor-issues-apology-on-cdbg-process-staff-addresses-recent-hud-letter/ Here’s a quote from Rowell’s story: “The city is not fighting the HUD findings related to the CDBG process, but is following up in regards to HUD’s interpretation of City…
Sadly, we have to report that the Great Falls Public School District, with a vote of 7 to 0, effectively decided to demolish the historic Hi School Store (Campfire building) at 1925 2nd Avenue South to make room for a small surface parking lot. With unanimous support of your elected school board trustees, the…
At the School Board meeting on February 2, 2018, on the agenda item concerning the sale of more bonds from the nearly $100 million dollar bond levy, the audience was asked to provide public comment. According to citizen Cyndi Baker, this is what happened next: “I raised my hand and asked if there was a…
Former GFPS Educator Blasts E-City Beat Followers: “Losers”
Perpetually Angry Reader Dennis Granlie is at it again. This morning, the former GFPS music teacher unleashed another broadside against E-City Beat, even attacking our readers. While there is little doubt that Granlie derives self-edification from spewing the same personal attacks time and again, it is disappointing that he cannot move beyond the staid “losers”…