Like many others, I disagree with the City Commission’s decision to deny a Conditional Use Permit for M&D Construction. Since the issue caught my interest, I wanted to see our elected officials in action. So I watched the video, which anyone else can, too, here. There is much to say about it all, but I found…
Looking A Gift Horse In The Mouth?
Would it be a smart idea to increase the CMR track improvements from a 6-lane track to an 8-lane track? The obvious answer is YES, and here is why. It is widely known that competitive track meets can not be hosted on 6-lane tracks. Most competition cracks now being built are 8-lane, or 9-lane tracks….
E-City Beat Comments Policy
E-City Beat welcomes all comments related to the corresponding post as long as those comments are on point and are not slanderous, obscene or overly personal. E-City Beat will not allow this blog to be a platform to launch unrelated personal attacks or vendettas disguised as comments against our staff or contributors.
Cronyism And Great Falls’ No-Growth Policy
Is Great Falls business friendly? Does the City encourage growth? Why are these never-ending questions? Perhaps the answers are obvious after all. The Great Falls City Commission recently voted unanimously to deny a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to locally owned and operated M&D Construction. City staff, the City Zoning Commission and Neighborhood Council 7 all…
Final Piece To The Puzzle
In the first two installments in this trilogy I provided some missing pieces of the puzzling GFPS action concerning the award of the General Construction contracts for Giant Springs Elementary School and the CM Russell Additions. Some of you appreciated the information presented and some of you viewed the pieces as “sour grapes”. In any…
A Question For The Chief Slaughterhouse Opponent
In Jeni Dodd’s recent piece about the proposed Friesen development, Great Falls Concerned Citizens chief organizer, George Nikolakakos, writes: “On Mr, [Tom] Jacobson, as an economic authority in the region, his opinion matters and carries weight. What he has pointed out (unrelated to this project) is that the average wage in cascade county is $18 an…
More On Madison Food Park — Jobs And Water
Mr. Nikolakakos, I think you’re better off opposing this on the water/Madision Aquifer issue. That may be the strongest argument. You called Weissman’s assessment regarding jobs “silly.” However, I found much of your information to be misleading. First, you mentioned you posted the One Montana Feasibility Study. I found no such study posted on the…
No Brainer?
Kudos to Craig Raymond and his staff in the City of Great Falls Planning and Community Development Department for working to find solutions to help keep a local private sector employer, M&D Construction, in the heart of Great Falls. This is the attitude we need from our city employees across the board; not “You can’t…
“Thumbs Up To Madison Food Park” Says Local Writer
Great Falls, Montana is a great destination for any responsible Agricultural based processing industry. Madison proposes to put in a ‘State of the Art’ processing plant here. The new plant says eventually they will employ up to 3,000 people! If they are serious, have financing and regulatory permission in place they will be a very…
“I Want To Be A Good Neighbor”
Watch the short video below. It’s Rhett Hulett, owner of M&D Construction which employs 30 folks here in Great Falls, making his case for a Conditional Use Permit at the January 2, 2018 Great Falls City Commission meeting. “I want to be a good neighbor” “We want to be a positive part of that part…