Watch the short video below. It’s Rhett Hulett, owner of M&D Construction which employs 30 folks here in Great Falls, making his case for a Conditional Use Permit at the January 2, 2018 Great Falls City Commission meeting. “I want to be a good neighbor” “We want to be a positive part of that part…
Great Falls Public Schools Alternative Procurement Through A Different Set Of Eyes
Phil Faccenda’s articles about Great Falls Public Schools building procurement procedures made me want to take a closer look. State law (Montana Code Annotated or MCA) dictates requirements for the use of alternative delivery project contracts. So I visited Great Falls Public Schools website and perused the documents I could find that are related to…
VERY FAKE NEWS — Sheriff Edwards (Again) Fact Checks Tribune Reporter Seaborn Larson
Great Falls Tribune “reporter” Seaborn Larson seems to have it out for Cascade County Sheriff Bob Edwards. After we objectively pointed to an earlier instance of Larson’s Fake News, said Tribune reporter grew angsty and angry, and lambasted E-City Beat in an amusingly shameless and unhinged Twitter meltdown — again and again. Not to be outdone,…
Missing A Few Pieces Of The Puzzle: Part Two
In the previous piece of this three-part series, Missing a Few Pieces of the Puzzle, we have shown that most of the $3M in architectural fees for the Great Falls High project will in fact be leaving Great Falls and Montana. We also shed some light on the unconventional selection of general contractors for the…
Hocus Pocus — More Moe
Yesterday, and perhaps against all odds, I was able to suss out an actual response from City Commissioner Mary Moe. Originally, I had intended to more substantively respond to Commissioner Moe today, but alas, life got in the way. But I offer the following as a teaser for tomorrow’s piece… On our Facebook post, reader…
Fake News — Great Falls Tribune
Mr. Larson's information about me is not correct. There is no Deferred sentence and no probation as stated. Yes deferred prosecution and charges dropped. I did not plead guilty or nor was I found guilty. @GFtrib_JStrauss — Bob Edwards (@Bedwards_Gfalls) December 31, 2017 On New Year’s Eve, a sleepy news day, Sheriff Bob Edwards…
An Open Letter To City Commissioner Mary Moe
Dear City Commissioner Mary Moe: It was about Columbus Day, and I was seriously asking. I first asked it on Facebook on October 11. Around the same time, the same text appeared in the Tribune as a letter to the editor. On December 7, I reposted it on E-City Beat. Four days later, I followed up…
Little Free Library Is A Whole Lot Of Cool
Have you seen the little wooden houses on posts in front yards around town? They look kind of like bird houses with a glass door on the front. Those are Little Free Library boxes most likely. What is a Little Free Library? “Little Free Library is a nonprofit organization that inspires a love of reading,…
Missing A Few Pieces Of The Puzzle
Mr. Cahill’s recent piece, “Promises Made and Promises Kept” in response to a November 26, 2017 post, “Why is Great Falls Tax Money Leaving Great Falls?” accurate? Mr. Cahill’s explanation of the results of the Great Falls School District’s use of taxpayer’s dollars appears on the surface to be factual, but a few pieces of…
An Unbiased Zoning Board Of Adjustments
This week, the Cascade County Commission requested a list of anyone who has submitted a letter during the public comment period (or who has made a public comment regarding the Madison Food Park Slaughterhouse) as they consider two Zoning Board of Adjustment candidates. Commissioner Weber stated that anyone who made a public statement would likely…