At the June 14th Great Falls Planning Advisory Board/Zoning Commission members voted unanimously to recommend the denial of a conditional use permit submitted by the First United Methodist Church to operate an outdoor emergency homeless shelter on their property in downtown Great Falls. At the meeting several local owners and managers representing downtown businesses in…
Video: Great Falls Dems Turn 4th of July Parade Into Political Pro-Abortion March
At this years Great Falls Independence Day parade the Cascade County Democratic Central Committee decided it would be a good idea to use the opportunity to push their pro-abortion political agenda. Following behind their float, which was decorated with local Democrat campaign signs, came a dozen or so slogan chanting marchers with signs declaring “Abortion…
Perkins Restaurant Owner: Customer Watches FUMC Encampment ‘Lady…Defecate Into The Street’
At the June 14th Great Falls Planning Advisory Board/Zoning Commission members voted unanimously to recommend the denial of a conditional use permit submitted by the First United Methodist Church to operate an outdoor emergency homeless shelter on their property in downtown Great Falls. At the meeting several local owners and managers representing downtown businesses in…
Great Falls Democrat Posts SCOTUS Justices’ Addresses
Earlier this month Nicholas John Roske, 26, was arrested outside the home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and has been charged with attempted murder in an assassination plot. At the time of his arrest Roske had in his possession a tactical knife, a pistol with two magazines and ammunition, pepper spray, zip ties, a…
Downtown IGA Manager: Employees And Customers Don’t Feel Safe Due To Church ‘Homeless Encampment’
At last week’s Great Falls Planning Advisory Board/Zoning Commission members voted unanimously to recommend the denial of a conditional use permit submitted by the First United Methodist Church to operate an outdoor emergency homeless shelter on their property in downtown Great Falls. At the meeting several local owners and managers representing downtown businesses in the…
GF Planning/Zoning Board Unanimously Recommends Denial Of FUMC Conditional Use Permit
At Tuesday’s regular meeting of the Great Falls Planning Advisory Board/Zoning Commission the members voted unanimously to recommend the denial of a conditional use permit submitted by the First United Methodist Church to operate an outdoor emergency homeless shelter on their property in downtown Great Falls. The Planning Advisory Board/Zoning Commission is comprised of Great…
FUMC Tent Emergency Shelter CUP On Planning Board Agenda Tuesday – Public Invited To Comment
The City of Great Falls Planning Advisory Board/Zoning Commission will take up a conditional use permit request by the First United Methodist Church in downtown Great Falls to operate an Emergency Shelter on its property. The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 14 at 3:00 PM in the commission chambers at the Civic Center. The…
Slaughter Crushes Groskreutz: Three Reasons
I’ve been asked to put on my amateur political analyst hat here for a little minute to talk about Tuesday’s primary election results in the Cascade County Sheriff’s race between incumbent Republican Jesse Slaughter and challenger Jay Groskreutz. This race wasn’t even close. Groskreutz got ‘slaughtered’ in a 70% to 30% landslide. That’s 9,248 votes…
City Press Release And Court Filing Against FUMC Great Falls ‘Homeless Camp’
In the interest of full transparency and in response to the dozens of complaints, comments and expressions of concern I’ve received over the past couple of months I am taking this opportunity to share the information made publicly available concerning the action recently taken by the City of Great Falls related to the ‘homeless encampment’…
Great Falls Democrat Activist Smears Cops As Racist Cowards, Calls For Defund
Editor’s note: The cover photo for this story shows Jasmine Taylor (right) posing with Cascade County Democrat Central Committee Vice Chair Helena Lovick for their wtf406 blog. On Friday morning E-City received an email containing screenshots of several posts on a Facebook page called ‘Jasmine Taylor For Montana’. Taylor is a Cascade County Democrat Central…