Editors note: The following email was sent by Montanans Opposing Big Sky Country National Heritage Area leader Rae Grulkowski to all five Great Falls City Commissioners and to E-City Beat on Wednesday. Mr. Mayor and Commissioners: Regarding your discussion at the end of meeting of August 3, stating the only reason Montanans oppose a National…
Great Falls Crime Task Force To Begin Drafting Recommendations
The Great Falls Crime Task Force has been meeting on a bi-weekly basis since the first week in June and so far the meetings have been mostly informational presentations giving members, and the public, a solid foundational understanding of the scope and issues involved related to local crime and the local criminal justice system. The…
Goodbye Past, Hello Great Falls’ Future
Great Falls has many issues, as any town does. However one issue that people tend to overlook is how we present ourselves. This plays an integral role in how others outside of Great Falls–and even outside of the state–see us as a city. Our major outside presentation is our city logo, which is in dire…
Where Do Your Property Taxes Go, Great Falls?
At last night’s Great Falls city commission meeting we unanimously voted to adopt the proposed fiscal year 2022 City of Great Falls budget. This graph depicting the government entities to which our local property tax dollars go is interesting and informative: The 27.1% share of total local property taxes is only one of the City’s…
Heritage Area Opposition Accused Of Bribery By Commissioner Houck
A friend texted me Friday morning asking if I’d seen the latest Great Falls Tribune article about the National Heritage Area. I admitted I had not. It is behind a paywall, but here’s the link. After reading the article, I thought this might be a new low for the Tribune—publishing an anonymous hearsay bribery accusation…
Great Falls ‘Educator’ Launches XXX Rated Attack On E-City Beat Publisher
This Post Contains Content Not Suitable For Children One of the reasons E-City Beat occasionally publishes anonymous articles, and allows our volunteer staff to remain anonymous if they so choose, was vividly illustrated yesterday when we published a piece on Critical Race Theory. It’s hard to shock me nowadays, but one commenter succeeded in doing…
Critical Race Theory Coming To Great Falls Public Schools?
Editor’s note: E-City Beat respects this writer’s request for anonymity, for obvious reasons. We would like to also mention the upcoming appointment of a GFPS School Board member. The GFPS Selection Committee will conduct an interview for the two applicants from 2-4 PM on July 16 at the district office. The interview session is open…
But It’s Part Of The Growth Policy—Not!
Last summer I submitted an ethics complaints to Cascade County Attorney Josh Racki regarding the use of government resources and facilities by both the City of Great Falls and Cascade County to benefit the private nonprofit Big Sky Country National Heritage Area Inc. I alleged there were violations under the Montana Code Annotated and the…
Should Great Falls’ Fireworks Ordinance Be Revisited?
Are all those booms, pops and ka-bams we heard over the weekend as Great Falls celebrated Independence Day 2021 the sound of freedom – or the sound of irresponsibility? Here’s something I posted on my personal Facebook page last Wednesday: “Let’s be careful and kind out there, Great Falls. Hot and dry conditions here means…
Big Sky Country National Heritage Area Is NOT In The Great Falls Growth Policy
I’ve been asked by several Great Falls citizens why the City’s 2013 Growth Policy advocates support for the Big Sky Country National Heritage Area, Inc. Simple answer: it doesn’t. There is absolutely nothing in the 2013 Growth Policy that states support for the Big Sky Country National Heritage Area, Inc. (here is the reference, you…