In House District 19 Libertarian Party candidate George Shultz is running against Republican incumbent Wendy McKamey. Here is McKamey’s response and profile. Shultz did not respond to our request. Talk a little bit about your background, family, work, and hobbies/interests. Currently, I am representing House District 19 and serving my third term. During the 2019 session…
Profiles In Progressivism: Kamala Harris
There is a woman. She is deeply authoritarian, transactional to a fault (just ask Willie Brown), and completely bereft of any sincerely held policy views whatsoever. Her name, although incidental to the main point, is Kamala Harris.
AOC: We Can “Likely Push Vice President Biden Into A More Progressive Direction On Policy Issues”
H/T to JustTheNews, who spoke with one of the most radical elected officials in the country yesterday. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) did not mince words, confidently sharing her belief that Joe Biden will serve as a doddering pushover for the socialist Left. Does anyone actually believe that a Biden/Harris administration would govern from the center?…
Media Mum On Sexual Assault Allegation Against Steve Bullock
Do you remember a time, before the Democrats’ nomination of Joe Biden, when all women were to be reflexively believed? That white male patriarchy, itself an inherent evil, needed to be beaten back no matter the cost? Remember #MeToo? How times have changed. Now, a viral social media post containing explicit allegations of sexual impropriety…
Video Link To Commisison Public Comments At Nondiscrimination Ordinance Commission Meeting
Editors note: E-City Beat has requested and received permission to copy and paste Great Falls City Commissioner Rick Tryon’s reports from his public commissioner’s Facebook page, ‘Rick Tryon for a Greater Great Falls’. COMMISSIONER TRYON’S GREAT FALLS CITY COMMISSION REPORT “Here is the link to the video of the special work session the city commission…
Candidate Profiles – Great Falls HD 21 (Email Glitch)
In House District 21 Democrat Jaime Horn is running against Republican Ed Buttrey. Due to an email glitch Buttrey’s response, which was sent before the deadline date, wound up in the wrong email folder. Here is his response and profile. We apologize for the mix up. Talk a little bit about your background, family, work,…
Candidate Profiles – Great Falls HD 21
In House District 21 Democrat Jaime Horn is running against Republican Ed Buttrey. Here is Horn’s response and profile. Buttrey didn’t respond to our request. Talk a little bit about your background, family, work, and hobbies/interests. I’m a lifelong Great Falls resident who graduated from Great Falls Central Catholic High School in 2017, AKA the…
Blogger Defends Calling Sheriff ‘Rookie’ & ‘Dumber’ – Tryon Responds
Someone sent me a link to local blogger Mike ‘Jackie’ Brown’s response to my E-City Beat piece criticizing Brown for ridiculing Sheriff Jesse Slaughter. I not only consider Jesse to be an outstanding sheriff, but I also regard him as a friend. And I will never hesitate to speak up and push back on ANYONE…
Candidate Profiles, Great Falls HD 26, Lovick Vs Trebas
In House District 26 Democrat Helena Lovick is running against Republican Jeremy Trebas. Here is the Trebas response and profile. Ms. Lovick didn’t respond to our request. Background information I am 36, am married to Hannah, and have 3 kids, Ryan, Kaylyn, and Aidan. I have been working for the Great Falls Rescue Mission as…
Lefty Blogger Mike Brown Calls Sheriff Slaughter ‘Dumb’ & ‘Rookie’
Local left wing blogger and Never Trumper, Mike ‘Jackie’ Brown, in his Western Word blog on Monday took some nasty and uncalled for shots at Cascade County Sheriff Jesse Slaughter. Among other slurs against our hardworking and popular sheriff, Brown belched out the following: “But then we have rookie Sheriff Jesse Slaughter ride into the…