In the coming weeks E-City Beat will be posting campaign contribution information for all candidates in Cascade County/Great Falls contested races for the Montana State Legislature. The information is all available online on the Commissioner of Political Practices web site via a searchable form. You can find the portal here:! It looks like this:…
Great Falls LGBTQ Center’s NDO Proposal
Kudos to the Great Falls LGBTQ Center for making their draft proposal for a local non-discrimination ordinance available to the public on their Facebook page. Our community deserves transparency and plenty of time to analyze, study and fully vet the information before beginning the formal process of taking public comment and considering the proposal. Below…
University Of Portland Removes Corps Of Discovery Statue
After we published our two opinion pieces from this week (Should Lewis & Clark’s Names & Statues Be Removed? and Pastor Collins Responds To Lewis & Clark Statue Question) concerning statues and monuments memorializing Lewis and Clark, a reader posted in our comments section this link to an article in the online Oregonian dated June…
Pastor Collins Responds To Lewis & Clark Statue Question
ARE ALL THINGS SIMPLY BLACK OR WHITE? As we look across the landscape of our American society, and we hear “the deposition” of the many media outlets, it is almost impossible not to take the vantage point that everything is a black or white issue. Hard to say, but maybe there is a possibility that…
A Tale Of Two Emails
Not surprisingly, my Great Falls City Commissioner email inbox has been very interesting recently. So in doing my best to respond to citizen’s demands for transparency, here are two emails representing the current social and cultural divide in our country, both of which I received within the last three days. Here’s the first. Here’s the…
Should Lewis & Clark’s Names & Statues Be Removed?
Once again we are seeing throngs of angry ‘protesters’ tear down, deface, and destroy publicly owned statues and monuments which memorialize national historical figures. Personally, I think a reasonable argument can be made that it’s inappropriate and offensive to honor Confederate generals who were slave owners by placing their images in the public square. However…
First Look At Great Falls’ Local Candidates On November Ballot
Following the June 2 primary the field is now narrowed to the candidates who will appear on your November 2020 ballot less than 5 months from now. E-City Beat will be sending all of the local candidates questions and requests for profiles and will be publishing the information for our readers. In addition we will…
Issues On Tap For Great Falls City Commission Meeting, 6/16/20
Editors note: E-City Beat has requested and received permission to copy and paste Great Falls City Commissioner Rick Tryon’s reports from his public commissioner’s Facebook page, ‘Rick Tryon for a Greater Great Falls’. Here’s some helpful info for Tuesday nights Great Falls City Commission work session and regular meeting. There are a few items of…
Man With First-Hand Experience In Local Triple Homicide Responds To ‘Defund GFPD’
Editors note: by permission from Mr. Copeland we are publishing his letter and Facebook post. City Commissioners, I am writing in regards to the national and now local calls to “Defund the Police”. I have been a resident of Great Falls for over ten years, minus a few attempts to move away that lasted less…
Who Is Sending ‘Defund GFPD’ Emails To Commissioners?
As of this afternoon I have received 14 robo-emails addressed to each of us Great Falls City Commissioners ‘demanding’ that we ‘defund’ the Great Falls Police Department. I also got a call from a Kalispell city commissioner this morning informing me that they have been receiving the same emails. See my response to the emails…