Is the GFPS District really short of cash, or are their cries just a sleight of hand? If, as Mark Finnicum, a school board member who also serves on the board’s budget committee said, the $1.75M upcoming levy isn’t to add new programs or staff but “is maintaining what we already have” is true… …why…
Coronavirus In Great Falls?
The Facebook post previously linked in this blog post has either been removed or restricted in the privacy settings on the owners Facebook page. Stay tuned for further developments and updates on local news, information, and events concerning the covid-19 issue and stay safe, everyone!
Big Sky Country National Heritage Area – Boon Or Boondoggle? Part 2
Editor’s note: This is the first of a two part series the effort to have Cascade County designated as a National Heritage Area. Here’s a link to Part 1. NHA NEGATIVE IMPACTS So you may wonder if and where negative impacts have occurred in conjunction with National Heritage Areas. If you ask the National Park…
School Tax
The Great Falls Public School District would like you to believe that the impact of the proposed $1.75M operational levy would result in a very small increase to your property taxes, $16.27 on a home valued at $100,000 and $32.54 on a home valued at $200,000. The fact is that the impact of the levy…
Big Sky Country National Heritage Area – Boon Or Boondoggle? Part 1
Editor’s note: This is the first of a two part series the effort to have Cascade County designated as a National Heritage Area When I first learned of a plan to create a National Heritage Area (NHA) in Central Montana, I initially wasn’t opposed to it. At that time, I heard inklings that the proposed…
BREAKING: Green Party Qualifies For Montana 2020 Ballot
Mike Dennison, Chief Political Reporter for the MT Television Network, is reporting that the Montana Secretary of State has qualified the Green Party for the 2020 Montana ballot and that the Green Party Montana senate candidate has already filed. The filing deadline for all candidates is this coming Monday, March 9. We have to wonder…
GFPS Levy Is 100% Not For ‘The Kids’
No, we are not talking about the graduation rate at the District’s two high schools, not even close. And we are not talking about the District budgeting acumen either. What we are talking about is how much of the proposed $1.3M operational levy will be going for raises for staff and administrative positions and increases…
GF City Commission Issues Next Week: Slaughterhouse, Design Review Board, Maclean Animal Center
Editors note: E-City Beat has requested and received permission to copy and paste Great Falls City Commissioner Rick Tryon’s reports from his public commissioner’s Facebook page, ‘Rick Tryon for a Greater Great Falls’. “COMMISSIONER TRYON’S GREAT FALLS CITY COMMISSION REPORT FOR 3/3/2020 As a way to partially fulfill my personal commitment to working for transparent…
Is ‘US Intelligence’ An Oxymoron? Plus PSC Spying & Continuing Search For Amy
Here’s another edition of our roundup of some of the top national, state, and local stories from various news outlets curated in an easy access format. LocalUPDATE: CCSO continues search for Amy Harding by boat and helicopter (KFBB, Great Falls) “UPDATE (2/23/2020 5:25 pm) – Rescue crews took to the Missouri River Sunday, as they…
Lying Is The New Norm
Although, lying has been around forever, it is now becoming a common practice by propagandists and pundits wanting to promote individual, or collective agendas. Straight-out lying has been destigmatized if it advances a certain propaganda that leads to what might be considered a worthy, or important goal. Whether the goal, or objective pursued is objectively…