Candidate Profile: Michael K. Cooper Sr. (R) HD 26

Editor’s note: This is another in our series of profiles for local legislative candidates. Each state House and Senate candidate in the Great Falls area was given the opportunity to submit, in their own words, a brief profile outlining why they’re running, what party they represent and why they are the best candidate for the position. You can see the full list of local candidates here.

Democrat Casey Schreiner is the other candidate in House District 26 and did not respond to our request for a profile.

I am running for office because I have been on the side lines most of my life. Now that I am older and have raised my kids and, have more time to contribute to joining others is trying to stop gov’t overspending and out of control property taxes. There are many reasons to run for office and I could fill up this page with reasons but, to try to make gov’t accountable for their spending and why our state debt is out of control.

I am Republican.

I have worked for approximately 45 years and have seen the good (prosperous) times and the lean times and have seen politicians seem to talk a good story to get elected and when they get there they forget about their commitment to the people. I am one who is truthful to my God and to myself and know where I stand on most issues and I think I can do the job that most elected people fail to do.

I have been an employee and business man and have seen both sides of life in general. I’ve been thru the good times and bad, People are willing to keep to there commitments when pressured, but I will. I think people know how to keep and invest their money better than the gov’t. I believe I have the balance and judgment to make the good decisions that will benefit Montana’s to have a better and more prosperous life.

Candidate Profile: Mike ‘Mac’ McNamara (R) HD 24

Editor’s note: This is another in our series of profiles for local legislative candidates. Each state House and Senate candidate in the Great Falls area was given the opportunity to submit, in their own words, a brief profile outlining why they’re running, what party they represent and why they are the best candidate for the position. You can see the full list of local candidates here.

Democrat Barbara Bessette is the other candidate in House District 24 and did not respond to our request for a profile.

The people of Great Falls, Cascade County, and Montana deserve the most experienced people to represent their needs and desires. Thomas Jefferson once said, “The government you elect is the government you deserve.” So it stands to reason that if you elect representatives casually, without looking at their knowledge, skills, abilities and values, you won’t get the best people for the job. I have spent my entire adult life in the passionate service of others.

I’m running as a Republican because my values align with the Republican platform. I believe our state is unique because of our constitution and our citizens. I believe in political and economic freedom. I believe that our people are the owners of our country and that government derives it powers from us, not the other way around; and that we are the best stewards of our rich natural resources. I believe we can revitalize Great Falls, our county, and our state, creating well-paying jobs to improve our lives and stem the loss of our young people to other states.

I believe in living within our means, limiting debt to manageable levels, balancing our budgets, and reducing the burden of taxation on everyone – especially those struggling. We are a state of abundant harvests and we must support our farmers and ranchers – they are also leading the way in conservation. We should responsibly use the energy sources we have been given in ways that do not harm our environment – always remembering that future generations will rely on a clean environment. We need to safeguard Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and improve on the provision of healthcare to those in need, suffering from addiction and mental illnesses. We need to make government work for the people of our great State and our Nation.

We must also honor our tribal relationships. I believe in strong families, safe neighborhoods, the best education for our youth, and controlling college costs. I believe in freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. And I am committed to combating drug trafficking/abuse and human trafficking. Last, I believe that we should all come together in respectful civil debate and be kind to each other, rather than using hateful speech.

I am a retired military officer, a decorated, disabled, combat veteran. I’ve served the people of America for 23 years fighting against our enemies to keep us safe. I’ve taken on difficult missions in the worst places and conditions, and gotten the job done! Of all the places I could have retired I chose Montana – “glory of the west” – because my values are Montana values.

As a financial planner I have helped thousands of Montana families reach for their dreams and achieve financial independence. I am a husband, a father, a grandfather and a sportsman, so I care deeply about the future of Montana and our progeny. I will represent HD 24 with honor and integrity, and resolutely stand up for its interests in the face of adversity. I give you my word.

Candidate Profile: Jeremy Trebas (R) HD 25

Editor’s note: This is another in our series of profiles for local legislative candidates. Each state House and Senate candidate in the Great Falls area was given the opportunity to submit, in their own words, a brief profile outlining why they’re running, what party they represent and why they are the best candidate for the position. You can see the full list of local candidates here.

Democrats Staci Bechard and Jasmine Krotov are the other candidates in House District 25 and did not respond to our request for a profile.

I’m running for office because I bring a unique voice and balance to state government. The themes that I’ve supported include advocating and voting for increased mental health services, giving people their money back by reducing taxes, and attempting to bat back what I call “nanny state” laws. This next session, if I’m elected, I’d like to work on exempting social security income from state taxation. Montana is one of 13 states that tax social security, raising $75,000,000 by doing so.

I’d also like to continue supporting mental health service initiatives, such as the list of priorities put forth by NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). In addition, I’ll continue pushing for changes in child protective services. Lastly, there was a proposal last session to regulate unscrupulous animal breeders but it failed. I’d like to bring that back up so that we may proactively deal with animal neglect issues instead of re-actively dealing with the fallout of a bad situation.

I’m running as a Republican in short because I tend to agree with their platform and principles. Without reciting the entire party platform, I think it can be summed up as being strongly for freedom and liberty, balanced by personal responsibility. Republicans strongly believe in the rule of law and government that exists only by the consent of the governed. Individual integrity is paramount.

I believe I’m the best candidate in this race because I’ll always vote to keep taxes and debt low at the state government level. In the last legislative session, money was tight and hard decisions had to be made. Republicans balanced the budget without raising taxes. Raising taxes is the “easy answer” when government is seeking to plug a budget hole, but those taxes come from taxpayers that are already struggling. It is good policy to keep the tax base growing, meaning creating the policy environment that helps individuals and businesses prosper, rather than constantly increasing taxes on a smaller and smaller group of those willing to stick around to pay them.

During the time the budget was being voted on in the House of Representatives last session, there was over $200,000,000 in amendments brought to the floor by the Democrats. That’s $200,000,000 we definitely didn’t have available to spend, and which the Republicans said no to. We have to live within our means as government, just like everyone else. I stood with my party and responsibly crafted a fair budget for taxpayers, and for those that rely on services that the government provides.

Candidate Profiles: Lola Sheldon-Galloway (R) House District 22

Editor’s note: This is another in our series of profiles for local legislative candidates. Each state House and Senate candidate in the Great Falls area was given the opportunity to submit, in their own words, a brief profile outlining why they’re running, what party they represent and why they are the best candidate for the position. You can see the full list of local candidates here.

Democrat Laura Dever is the other candidate in House District 21 and did not respond to our request for a profile.

Lola Sheldon-Galloway

I am enjoying my first term Representing the constituents in House District 22. This experience can benefit the District with my expanded knowledge and statewide relationships by being re-elected another term.

I have a passion to serve the citizens of Sun Prairie, Manchester, Valley View, Wilson Butte area, the Northwest and Southwest side of Great Falls. I’ve had this desire since I was a child. It’s an honor to represent the citizens of Cascade county.

I support Republican solutions to  government issues.
I share the virtues of the RETRO Republicans
R- Representing
E- Every
T- True
R- Republican
O- Objective

I have lived in Cascade County all my life. My grandkids are 5th generation Montanans. They motivate me to look at legislation, analyzing how it affects our future generations.
Because I live in the District I represent, I understand the citizens of House District 22 by attending meetings on District, City, County and State issues. I return phone calls of concerned citizens and research the answers to their questions.

My assignments to the Judiciary committee and the Law and Justice Interim Study has given me a depth of understanding I never imagined possible when I started on this journey. I have a greater respect for the hard working employees and citizens of our state.
I’d like to thank those who have helped me on this journey and ask for your continued support.

Representative LOLA Sheldon-Galloway
House District 22

Candidate Profiles: John Abarr (R) And Ed Buttrey (R) House District 21

Editor’s note: This is another in our series of profiles for local legislative candidates. Each state House and Senate candidate in the Great Falls area was given the opportunity to submit, in their own words, a brief profile outlining why they’re running, what party they represent and why they are the best candidate for the position. You can see the full list of local candidates here.

Democrat Leesha Ford and Republican Rickey D. Linafelter are the other candidates in House District 21 and did not respond to our request for a profile.

John Abarr

John Abarr

Age 48, Divorced, two adult kids, lived in Great Falls for 20 years. Home town Jordan, MT.

Three years of college. Occupation, political consultant.

White civil rights activist. Republican most of my life. I am very conservative. Willing to work with Trump Democrats and other conservatives of any party.

If nothing else I would like to fix it so elderly people 60 and older don’t have to pay state property tax if they have less than $100,000 in assets.

Please take a look at to see my whole platform.

If you have any questions please call me at 406-868-8576.

Ed Buttrey

Ed Buttrey

I have been honored to serve as Senator of SD11. In that role I have passed critical legislation in the areas of workforce development, healthcare, military, employment law, education, telemedicine, veteran benefits, prescription drug reform, transportation, liquor/gaming law, tax reform and in many other areas to benefit those that I represent. I understand complex policy and have been in leadership in each of my legislative sessions.

I work hard each day for my constituents and to ensure a better Montana for each of us, our children, and generations to come. There is more work to be done, and I am running and asking for the honor to continue as Representative, working for the people of HD21.

I am a Republican, and have been a businessman, and job creator throughout my entire professional career. I believe that responsible government should be run like a business, focusing on efficiency and performance, with accountability at all levels.  Government must exist to support, not obstruct our businesses and citizens.

As a Republican Legislator, I also believe that we must hear input from all sides, consider best options, and legislate in a way that benefits all Montanans. I am not an ideologue, or someone that believes that anyone has the best solution, before listening to those that are affected. I can solve problems, but know that by listening more than talking, we can come up with great solutions. This is how we run our businesses, and how we can succeed in Government.

Conservative ideals, thoughtful consideration of issues, hard work, and holding all parties accountable are the cornerstones of my party and are why I am proudly running as a Republican. As a Legislator, however, I have and will always respect and honor my duty to represent all those that live in HD21, regardless of political affiliation.

Ultimately, it takes 51 House Members, 26 Senators, 1 Governor and 4 Court Justices to ensure that any bill becomes law. Many running for office make grand promises for change, but ultimately are unsuccessful in the process. Simply put, I know how to get Legislation across the finish line. I am a policy Legislator and have carried some of the most complex legislation brought in front of the Legislature during my tenure. I have fought and passed legislation creating jobs, and fighting for education, businesses, Veterans, infrastructure, our military missions and other items that you have told me are important.

I will listen to all viewpoints, will fight hard for you, and will succeed for you. In this time of change at the Federal and State levels, it is important to elect representatives that can hit the ground running, that can get the job done, and will work above all for the people they represent.

I am honored to have represented you for the past 8 years and humbly ask for the honor to continue to serve as the Representative for HD21. 

Candidate Profile: Steven D. Moltzan (R) House District 19

Editor’s note: This is another in our series of profiles for local legislative candidates. Each state House and Senate candidate in the Great Falls area was given the opportunity to submit, in their own words, a brief profile outlining why they’re running, what party they represent and why they are the best candidate for the position. You can see the full list of local candidates here.

Democrat Lynelle Melton and Republican Wendy McKamey are the other candidates in House District 19 and did not respond to our request for a profile.

I am running hopefully to right some of our state problems. For example law enforcement, private property rights, and state land access, for starters. I am running as a Republican because I believe it’s the only progressive choice we have.

With 35 years experience as a small business owner I have management skills, dealing with the public every day I have a fair idea what the majority wants to see in state government and I am always willing to listen and work with that.

Steven D. Moltzan

Candidate Profile: Brian Hoven (R) Senate District 13

Editor’s note: This is our continuing series of profiles for local legislative candidates. Each state House and Senate candidate in the Great Falls area was given the opportunity to submit, in their own words, a brief profile outlining why they’re running, what party they represent and why they are the best candidate for the position. You can see the full list of local candidates here.

Democrat Bob Moretti and Libertarian Kevin Leatherbarrow are the other candidates in Senate District 13 and they did not respond to our request for a profile. 

State Senator Brian Hoven

Why are you running for the office?

I want to make a meaningful contribution to benefit present and future generations of Montanans. As a native of Great Falls and local business owner for 40 years, I’m confident I can successfully represent the priorities and values of Senate District 13 and Montana. I care about our citizens and their families and want to provide the opportunities to improve their lives.

Why are you running as a Republican?

I believe everyone prospers with a growing economy and thriving business community. With 55 years of business experience, I’ve learned that lowering taxes, eliminating excessive regulation and stopping frivolous litigation promotes business growth and job creation. On the hand, I realize that smart government, fair taxes and sensible regulations are necessary for public services, safety nets for the less fortunate, and equal opportunity for all our citizens. My job as a legislator is to find the right balance, and that requires and open mind.

What makes you the best candidate in the race?

There’s no substitute for experience, both private and public sector, and my resume speaks for itself:

1. Graduate of Princeton University, B.A. Science and Engineering

2. Manufacturing manager for Proctor and Gamble, 1963 to 1977

3. Founded Hoven Equipment, a farm equipment dealership, with wife Barbara in Great Falls in 1978. Today, Hoven Equipment provides 28 people with good jobs and benefits.

4. Elected to House District 24 in 2008, re-elected in 2010 and 2012; elected to Senate District 13 in 2014

5. Served on the Taxation Committee and Agriculture Committee for five legislative sessions

While serving in the Montana Legislature, I’ve supported free enterprise, disciplined budgets, education funding, access to public lands, responsible natural resource development, and Medicaid expansion with co-pays and job skills inventories. Equally important, I’ve supported help for the elderly and opportunities for people with disabilities. If re-elected I’ll do more of the same.

Candidate Profile: Steven Galloway (R) Senate District 12

Editor’s note: This is the first in our series of profiles for local legislative candidates. Each state House and Senate candidate in the Great Falls area was given the opportunity to submit, in their own words, a brief profile outlining why they’re running, what party they represent and why they are the best candidate for the position. You can see the full list of local candidates here.

Democrat Carlie Boland is the other candidate in Senate District 12 and she did not respond to our request for a profile. 

1.Why am I running for office?                                                                                  First and foremost to bring COMMON SENSE SOLUTIONS to the issues faced by our state! I have been blessed to have been married almost 37 years to my wonderful wife and raised our six children in Great Falls. We have been blessed by our businesses and I want to give back by serving in Montana’s Senate district #12. Lola Sheldon-Galloway my beautiful wife currently serves as a representative in House District 22. Supporting her in her role in the last session I have been inspired to also participate in our privileged right of self government. Sharing in her experience in the last session has educated me and prepared me in the processes of our legislature. Please do your part as a citizen of the greatest country on Earth and participate by registering and voting in our electoral process!

2.Why am I running as a Republican?
We believe in limited government! We believe that our state’s financial woes are not from lack of taxes but rather from over spending, lack of planning and lack of oversight. We believe in reducing government. Local issues are best addressed by local government! We believe in the Constitution of the United States of America.

3. What makes me the best candidate in this race? First, I am 3rd generation Montanan, hometown boy, born and raised in Great Falls and want to see it be even greater.
I want to apply my business management experience and knowledge from twelve years in construction trades, over thirty years in food service, over thirty years in retail building materials and hardware sales, over 42 years as a landlord and in property management. I know how to balance budgets, cut waste, increase productivity with training and positive reinforcement!

I have served as a boy scout leader, coached kids in many sports, served in our church as a teacher, counselor, executive secretary and auditor.

My sister Susan Galloway was murdered in 1982, that very trying experience taught me how our justice system functions and what empathy is. Our family has had to testify at parole hearings many times to keep her killer out of our society. Our family has missed her so much!

I have learned it is absolutely necessary to look beyond the obvious when passing legislation to understand the cause and effect it will have on current and future generations. My parents instilled in me a relentless work ethic. The world has given me many trials to over come and the Lord has blessed me to understand He can make up the difference, if I give my best! I am always willing to listen and work to have a common prospective on issues.

So my simple mantra is I will bring COMMON SENSE SOLUTIONS.
I encourage you to vote for me.

for Senate seat #12

Please share your thoughts, insights and concerns with me at

Let’s all get involved! We need your help with yard signs, phone calls, mailers, going door to door or even host a social for my campaign!
Thank you for your time!


Local Montana House And Senate Candidates

Big kudos and many thanks to those who have put their hats in the ring to run for local/state political office. It takes a lot of work to run a campaign and a lot of courage to put your name on the line with very little thanks or financial remuneration (in most cases).

Yesterday, 3/12/18, was the deadline for candidates to file for state legislative seats. Below is the latest list of local Great Falls area candidates who have filed. A few points we found worth noting:

  • There are no uncontested seats in either the Senate or House races.
  • Senate District 13 includes a Libertarian candidate.
  • No primaries in the Senate races.
  • A 2-way GOP primary in HD19, 3-way GOP primary in HD21, and a 3-way Democrat primary in HD25.

Senate Races


House Races

Stay tuned to E-City Beat for regular updates and coverage of Election 2018, including candidate questionnaires and non-legislative races.


March 12 Deadline To File For Local State Legislative Races

Great Falls area 2018 state legislative races are shaping up to be interesting once again. The filing deadline for candidates is about a month away, March 12th.

The Primary Election is June 5th and the General Election is November 6th.

Here is a list of who has filed so far:

Senate District 11 – Tom Jacobson (D), Adam Rosendale (R)

Senate District 12 – Carlie Boland (D) Incumbent (appointed by Cascade County Commissioners after Mary Sheehy Moe resigned)

Senate District 13 – Brian Hoven (R) Incumbent, Kevin Vincent Leatherbarrow (L), Bob Moretti (D)

House District 17 – Ross H. Fitzgerald (R) Incumbent

House District 18 – Llew Jones (R)

House District 19 – Wendy McKamey (R) Incumbent, Lynelle Melton (D)

House District 20 – Fred Anderson (R) Incumbent, Keaton Sunchild (D)

House District 21 – John Abarr (D), Ed Buttrey (R), Leesha Ford(D)

House District 22 – Laura Dever (D)

House District 23 – Brad Hamlett (D) Incumbent

House District 24 – Barbara Bessette (D)

House District 25 – Jasmine Krotkov (D), Garrett Lankford (D), Jeremy Trebas (R) Incumbent

House District 26 – Casey Schreiner (D) Incumbent

Stay tuned to E-City Beat for updated coverage, information, and articles from the candidates themselves as we continue to follow the upcoming election.

You can file for office with the Secretary of State and get all the info you need here.

Here’s where you can find all of the legislative district maps. Candidates are not required to live in the House or Senate district in which they are running but are required to be a legal resident of the county in which they are running.