If virtually all of the polls are to be believed, Joe Biden will soundly defeat President Trump. Don’t count Newt Gingrich among the believers. Despite a similar polling deficit in 2016, the historian and former Speaker of the House matter-of-factly predicted that Trump would beat Hillary Clinton, which of course he did. Today, Gingrich offered…
Category: Election 2020
Did OPI Candidate Romano Know Her Husband Was Using Meth, LSD And Cocaine?
Something is bothering me about Montana’s Office of Public Instruction candidate Melissa Romano – did she know her husband, an elementary school teacher, was using hard drugs, including LSD, meth and cocaine, before he was busted for it last year? Here’s the article from last year detailing the arrest – https://www.kbzk.com/news/montana-news/helena-teacher-and-husband-of-opi-candidate-faces-felony-drug-charge “A former Helena elementary…
Twitter Doesn’t Want You To See It But We Do – Here’s The Link
The recent revelations about the Biden international should concern every voter in this election. At the very least, Joe Biden should have to answer some very basic questions about what he knew and knows about his son’s and his brother’s business dealings in China, Ukraine, Romania and other countries. Countries that will continue to be…
Are Montanans Voting Red Or Blue?
“No way will I ever vote for another damn Democrat!” “Anyone who votes for any Republican is out of their mind!” Have you been hearing these kinds of comments recently? Lot’s of people have. Last week NBC Montana and Strategies 360’s released polling data covering Montana’s top political races. You can view the detailed poll…
Are ‘Carol’s List’ Great Falls Candidates In The Mainstream?
One of our readers sent us an email with a screenshot of a Political Action Committee’s Facebook page announcing an event in Great Falls from a week ago called “Rally at the Sign”. The reader had never heard of the PAC or the event so we did a little digging. The political action committee is…
Attack on Democracy: The Rest of the Story of the Montana Green Party Ballot Denial
The Montana media has done a very sloppy job of telling the story of the Montana Democrat Party’s (MDP) extreme effort to remove the Green Party (GP) from all Montana ballots for the 2020 General Election. The misreporting of this story, if it was not just unforgivably sloppy, was a deliberate effort to spin the…
Bullock Tilts Far-Left, Now “Open” To Packing Supreme Court
In last weekend’s debate with Sen. Steve Daines, Montana Gov. and failed presidential candidate Steve Bullock said that if Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed to the Supreme Court, he would be “open” to packing the court in response. Bullock’s justification in favor of court-packing was even more astonishing than his position itself. According to Bullock,…
Great Falls Candidate Says Having 4 Kids Is “…A Lot Of Carbon”
After reading the E-City Beat profile on the candidates running for state legislature in Great Falls House District 20, a reader sent us the following screenshots of Facebook posts made by Democrat candidate Melissa Smith: We checked Smith’s Facebook page and found that the comments have subsequently been scrubbed. We double checked the page and…
Candidate Profiles – Great Falls HD 23
In House District 23 GOP candidate Scot Kerns is running against Democrat Brad Hamlett. Here is Kerns’ response and profile. Hamlett did not respond to our request. Background Information My name is Scot Kerns. I am 33 years old, not married and no kids. In my free time, I definitely enjoy spending time cycling. I am…
Melissa Smith(D) vs Fred Anderson(R) In Great Falls HD 20
In House District 20 Democrat Melissa Smith is running against GOP candidate Fred Anderson. Both candidates responded to our request for profiles. Melissa Smith My name is Melissa Smith; I am a Montanan who was raised in Havre. I received a first-class K-12 education there (go, Blue Ponies!). I went on to receive my BA…