_______________________________________________________________________ An E-City Beat reader in Great Falls forwarded a mailing that he/she received last week from the Maclean-Cameron Animal Adoption Center soliciting contributions to the local non-profit organization. We have two observations: First, if they are in need funds maybe they could start to find some savings by not sending out 3-page, heavy stock,…
Category: City Commission
3 Questions For Great Falls City Commission Candidates
_______________________________________________________________________ Earlier this week E-City Beat sent the following email to all six of the Great Falls city commission candidates. Greetings candidates, Thank you to those who submitted candidate profiles last month. E-City Beat would like to give each of the candidates another opportunity to let the community know a few details about your positions…
Bruce Pollington, Candidate For Great Falls City Commission
Editors note – last month we asked each of the six candidates running for the Great Falls city commission to submit a profile for publication (exactly as submitted and without editorial comment) including the reasons they are running and what they want to accomplish if elected. Kim Rodriguez, Terry Thompson, and Rick Tryon responded with…
Houck Out At Paris Gibson Square
_______________________________________________________________________ E-City Beat can confirm that Great Falls city commissioner Tracy Houck is no longer Executive Director at Paris Gibson Square Museum of Art. According to the PGSMA web site Houck is no longer employed there in any capacity. It is unclear whether she was fired or she resigned. We first started receiving messages from…
Rick Tryon, Candidate For Great Falls City Commission
_______________________________________________________________________ Editors note – last month we asked each of the six candidates running for the Great Falls city commission to submit a profile for publication (exactly as submitted and without editorial comment) including the reasons they are running and what they want to accomplish if elected. Kim Rodriguez, Terry Thompson, and Rick Tryon responded…
Terry Thompson, Candidate For Great Falls City Commission
_______________________________________________________________________ Editors note – last month we asked each of the six candidates running for the Great Falls city commission to submit a profile for publication (exactly as submitted and without editorial comment) including the reasons they are running and what they want to accomplish if elected. Kim Rodriguez, Terry Thompson, and Rick Tryon responded…
Kim Rodriguez, Candidate For Great Falls City Commission
_______________________________________________________________________ Editors note – last month we asked each of the six candidates running for the Great Falls city commission to submit a profile for publication (exactly as submitted and without editorial comment) including the reasons they are running and what they want to accomplish if elected. Kim Rodriguez, Terry Thompson, and Rick Tryon responded…
Great Falls Code Of Ethics – Relevant?
_______________________________________________________________________ Have you ever read ‘Chapter 21 – CODE OF ETHICS’ in the City of Great Falls municipal code? If not, maybe it’s time to take a look at it. Here are a few examples of what you’ll find there: 2.21.020 – Findings. The City Commission of the City of Great Falls finds and declares…
Is The Great Falls City Commission Irrelevant?
_______________________________________________________________________ I have heard several statements from folks recently such as, “the Mayor is mostly ceremonial and doesn’t really have any influence” and “the Great Falls City Commission is just a technicality, the city manager has all of the power.” Wrong. These kinds of misconceptions are not only wrong but they are also part of…
Why Won’t Bob Kelly Answer A Question From A Tax Paying Citizen?
Last month, before the filing deadline for this year’s City election had elapsed, I asked Great Falls Mayor Bob Kelly if he intended to endorse embattled City Commissioner Tracy Houck in her campaign for re-election. Kelly declined to do so. Since it was possible at the time that the mayor wanted to see a complete…