_______________________________________________________________________ We took notice of this handy app, linked below, offered up by the Montana Secretary of State. It’s an easy way for Great Falls voters to check their current voter registration status. Click here to see if you’re registered to vote. The next opportunity for Great Falls residents to vote will be a Great…
Kudos To GF Mayor Kelly, Still Waiting On Commissioner Houck
_______________________________________________________________________ Summertime and the living’s easy…or busy. Either way, I want to thank Mayor Bob Kelly for responding to my second request regarding his plans to either endorse or not endorse incumbent city commissioner Tracy Houck for another term. After finally getting to my email (Glacier Park was beckoning me for some work and a…
Is The Great Falls City Commission Irrelevant?
_______________________________________________________________________ I have heard several statements from folks recently such as, “the Mayor is mostly ceremonial and doesn’t really have any influence” and “the Great Falls City Commission is just a technicality, the city manager has all of the power.” Wrong. These kinds of misconceptions are not only wrong but they are also part of…
Why Won’t Bob Kelly Answer A Question From A Tax Paying Citizen?
Last month, before the filing deadline for this year’s City election had elapsed, I asked Great Falls Mayor Bob Kelly if he intended to endorse embattled City Commissioner Tracy Houck in her campaign for re-election. Kelly declined to do so. Since it was possible at the time that the mayor wanted to see a complete…
Great Falls Commissioner’s ‘Nefarious’ Pet Project
_______________________________________________________________________ Below is more important information provided by Great Falls resident Pam Hendrickson concerning efforts by Great Falls city Commissioners Moe and Robinson to secretly negotiate a partnership between the City of Great Falls and the Maclean Animal Adoption Center. Every concerned citizen in Great Falls should read this and share it widely. The shenanigans…
Cost Of Rent In Montana And Innovative Housing Alternatives
_______________________________________________________________________ Here’s an interesting item recently sent to me by a friend – according to ‘Business Insider’, a Montana household needs to earn $49,360 per year in order to comfortably afford rent. The estimate is based on a study done by GoBankingRates which “…revealed how big your annual salary needs to be to afford rent…
Is Big Sky Cheese First Step To Slaughterhouse, Or Badly Needed Development?
_______________________________________________________________________ On Monday we received an email with the following letter from GFDA President/CEO Brett Doney to the Cascade County Zoning Board of Adjustment attached. The letter is concerning the permit application for the proposed Big Sky Cheese plant which the ZBOA will be considering this coming Thursday, June 27th. You can also view and…
“Gag me”, Local United Way Coordinator Says About GOP Candidates
_______________________________________________________________________ We applaud and appreciate the great work United Way of Cascade County does for our community yearly in raising money for important local organizations and causes. Kudos to them, their work is vital. But we have to wonder why one of their top paid employees, Volunteer Program Coordinator Lynette Scriver-Colburn, would jeopardize opportunities to…
Great Falls City Commissioners Emails Made Public
_______________________________________________________________________ Last week a concerned citizen sent us an email he/she sent to each Great Falls city commissioner concerning the secret meetings going on between two commissioners, Moe and Robinson, and the MaClean Animal Foundation. These negotiations continue to be conducted secretly in order to intentionally exclude public scrutiny and input. Four commissioners responded to…
Public Accountability For Tracy Houck
_______________________________________________________________________ What someone does in their private life is none of my business, we all have our own character flaws, sins and foibles. But when a local public official lies, cheats and tries to cover up to avoid accountability then it is my business. It’s your business too, literally, because it directly affects you, your…