Editors note – the following is an letter from Gary Marbut, President of the Montana Shooting Sports Association. An open letter to the city councilors of Billings, Helena, Bozeman, and other Montana communities. Dear Councillors, As the November election approaches, you may have some thoughts about LR-130, the legislative referendum to restrain local governments from…
Category: Election 2020
BREAKING: Steve Bullock Accused Of Sexual Assault
Montana Governor and U.S. Senate hopeful, Steve Bullock, is facing a fresh allegation of sexual assault. Apparently, Bullock (a Democrat) got a little “handsy” with a young co-ed. Remind us, Democrats: how does this work again? Oh, we should believe all women, right? If so, this should certainly disqualify Bullock — the embodiment of a…
Biden Taps Kamala: Brilliant, Pandering, Or Irrelevant Pick?
Joe Biden has selected California Democratic Senator, and former rival for the party’s POTUS nomination, Kamala Harris as his running mate. After the announcement Harris tweeted, “I’m honored to join him as our party’s nominee for Vice President, and do what it takes to make him our Commander-in-Chief.” What do you think? Take our poll….
Does Bullock Think The 2nd Amendment Is About Hunting?
When Steve Bullock ran for the Democratic nomination for President he made it clear that he would support a ban on some semi-automatic firearms. Here’s what he said, according to an AP article from August, 2018: “Gov. Steve Bullock’s comments came in response Sunday to a question posed to him on CNN’s State of The…
E-City Beat Invites Candidates To Make Their Pitch
Here’s the list of candidates in Cascade County/Great Falls who will be on the ballot in November competing for seats in the Montana State Legislature, followed by E-City Beat’s invitation for each candidate to answer some questions for voters. We encourage our readers to contact the candidates and encourage them to respond so that voters…
Former Montana Chamber Of Commerce Chair Endorses Rosendale Plan
Donald J. Sterhan is the President and CEO of Mountain Plains Equity Group. He has previously served as Chairman of the Montana Chamber of Commerce, President of the Montana Chamber Foundation, on the White House Conference on Small Business, and as a member of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Board of Directors. Rosendale’s plan will…
How To Follow The Money Given To Local Political Candidates
In the coming weeks E-City Beat will be posting campaign contribution information for all candidates in Cascade County/Great Falls contested races for the Montana State Legislature. The information is all available online on the Commissioner of Political Practices web site via a searchable form. You can find the portal here: https://appecm.mt.gov/PerceptiveCPPCampaignReports/#! It looks like this:…
First Look At Great Falls’ Local Candidates On November Ballot
Following the June 2 primary the field is now narrowed to the candidates who will appear on your November 2020 ballot less than 5 months from now. E-City Beat will be sending all of the local candidates questions and requests for profiles and will be publishing the information for our readers. In addition we will…
Biden Tells Black Americans, Vote For Him Or “You Ain’t Black”
“Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” Those remarks were made Friday by Democratic Presidential candidate and former VP Joe Biden in an interview with popular African-American radio show host Charlamagne tha God on his radio program “The Breakfast Club.”…
Legal Weed Under The Big Sky?
Signature gatherers wearing face masks have been spotted around Great Falls trying to get local citizens to sign on to their petition to put the legalization of recreational marijuana on the Montana ballot this November. The group sponsoring the petition drive is called New Approach Montana and here’s their mission statement: “New Approach Montana is…